Meeting Products on the Web

If desired, members and other customers can register for meetings online through the e-Business website or Mobile application (if implemented). In order to make your meeting product available for purchase via your e-Business site, the Product Status on the General Setup screen must be “Active”, the "Web Enabled Rate" checkbox on the Rates and Pricing screen must be checked for at least one rate code, and you need to set up an associated “Active” e-Business Control.


Likewise, in order to make your meeting product available for purchase via your Personify360 Mobile application, the Product Status on the General Setup screen must be “Active”, the "Web Enabled Rate" checkbox on the Rates and Pricing screen must be checked for at least one rate code, and you need to set up an associated “Active” Mobile control.

The e-Business Links section of the task bar includes the following screens for configuring meeting products for purchase from your e-Business site or the Mobile application:

·            eBusiness Control

·            Brief Description

·            Long Description

·            Online Store Listing Images

·            Search Engine Optimization

·            Meeting Rotating Images

·            Related Links

·            Mobile Control

·            Related Roles


See also: Enabling a Meeting Product for Group Purchase

Once your meeting product has been configured to display on the web, the following controls must be setup:

·            My Meetings

·            Events Calendar

·            Meeting Details

·            Meeting Registration