Standard Letters Overview

Standard letters can be used as a basic template for communicating with customers. For example, you can create a standard letter to send to selected customers thanking them for a recent donation. Standard letters can contain generic content or dynamic content pulled from fields in a view. Standard letters can be generated and sent via FND630, MKT800, manually from a contact tracking record, or (as of 7.6.0) in acknowledgement of a tribute donation in Donation Entry.


In this section:

·            Creating a Generic Standard Letter

·            Creating a Mail Merge Standard Letter

·            Generating a Standard Letter for a Customer


Standard letters should be saved on the server location designated in the TimssInterfaceConfig.xml file, as highlighted below.


<HelpURL>C:\Personify\Server 7.6.0\Base Online Help\Personify</HelpURL>
<StandardLetterPath>C:\Personify\Server 7.6.0\StandardLetters</StandardLetterPath>
<ProductFilesPath>C:\Personify\Server 7.6.0\ProductFiles</ProductFilesPath>

<TRSApplicationPath>C:\Personify\Server 7.6.0\Services\TRS\APPL</TRSApplicationPath>
<TRSOutputPath>C:\Personify\Server 7.6.0\Reports\OUTPUT</TRSOutputPath>
<TRSInputPath>\\C:\Personify\Server 7.6.0\Reports\INPUTs</TRSInputPath>

<AbstractFilesPath>C:\Personify\Server 7.6.0\AbstractFiles</AbstractFilesPath>


When a file is attached to a standard letter, the file is uploaded to the following location: ..\Application Service\[PersonifyReleaseVersion]\ServerFiles\StandardLetters\[OrgId]-[OrgUnitId].