Sample Non-Self Nomination Workflow

The steps below outline the experience a web user would have when nominating someone else other than himself/herself for an award.

To see a video demonstration of the non-self nomination online workflow, please see the Sample Non-Self Nomination Demo.

If a user abandons their work for more than 20 minutes, the web session will timeout and display an error. It is recommended that your association change the default timeout value from 20 minutes to 4 hours. This is a global setting that can be changed in the web.config file (highlighted below in yellow):

<sessionState mode=“Off|InProc|StateServer|SQLServer”
timeout=“number of minutes”
sqlConnectionString=“sql connection string”
stateNetworkTimeout=“number of seconds”/>

1.    From the Awards Listing page, the web user can filter the list of awards using the navigation control.

2.    Once the web user has found the award for which he/she would like to submit a nomination, he/she can click Nominate to begin the nomination process.

3.    If the web user is NOT logged into the website, he/she will be redirected to the login page to log in before proceeding. Otherwise, from the Nominee Information step, the web user can select who he/she wants to nominate (based on the "Winner Type" selected during the award setup):

4.    If the award was defined to allow individual winners and the web user wants to nominate an individual, he/she would select Nominate someone else and click Next to continue.

a.    The next screen in the Nominee Information step requires the web user to enter the email address of the person he/she wants to nominate. The system will check the customer records for an existing customer match.

b.    If the web user enters the nominee's Email Address, clicks Check, and the system finds a match based on the email address entered:

i.      The system will display the match(es) found in the search results, as shown below.

ii.     If the nominator sees the person he/she is looking for in the list, he/she can select the radio button next to the appropriate person.

If the nominator does NOT see the person he/she is looking for in the list, he/she can enter a different email address or select the None of the Above option and click Next. Please note that the None of the Above option is different from the Do not know email address button. If the web user clicks the Do not know email address button, he/she can enter the nominee information without an email address. Whereas, if the web user selects the None of the Above option, he/she must enter an email address when filling out the nominee information. Additionally, please note that the Do not know email address option will only display if the "Nominee Must be a Member" checkbox is NOT checked on the Details tab of Manage Awards Program screen.

iii.   Additionally, if the award has been defined to Use Point of Contact, the web user can provide an alternate point of contact for the nominee.

iv.    The web user would then click Next. See step 6 below for next steps.

c.    If the web user enters the nominee's Email Address, clicks Check, and the system does NOT find a match based on the email address entered or the nominator does not see the person he/she is looking for in the search results:

i.      The system will display that no matches were found, as shown below.

Alternatively, if the system does return a match in the search results, but the nominator does NOT see the person he/she is looking for in the list, he/she can select the None of the Above option and click Next. See step ii below for next steps.

ii.     The web user would then either enter a different email address or click Add Nominee Details.
The Nominee Details fields display for the nominator to enter the nominee's contact information, as shown below.

Please note that the Add Nominee Details option will only display if the "Nominee Must be a Member" checkbox is NOT checked on the Details tab of Manage Awards Program screen.

iii.   Additionally, if the award has been defined to Use Point of Contact, the web user can provide an alternate point of contact for the nominee.

iv.    The web user would then click Next.

If the system is not able to validate the nominee's address, the web user will receive a warning message with the options of continuing with the entered address or editing the address.

After proceeding from the first step, Nominee Information, if the nominator clicks Cancel at any time or closes the browser, even if he/she does not click Save as Draft, the system will save the nomination as a draft. If the nominator logs off and comes back to the site later, the nomination will be available to that web user in their “My Awards Nominations” area .

Please note that the web user cannot access this step in the process again after proceeding to step 2 unless he/she deletes this nomination and starts a new one from scratch. For example, from the My Awards Nominations page, if the web user clicks Edit for any nomination, the very first step would be Nomination Information, with no option to go back to the Nominee Information step.

5.    If the award was defined to allow company or subgroup winners and the web user wants to nominate a company or subgroup, he/she would select Nominate a company or organization and click Next to continue.  

In order for the Nominate a company or organization radio button to display, in the back office the "AWARD_WINNER_TYPE" code must be defined as either "C", "S", "Both", or "All" for the award program.

6.    If the user selects the option to “Nominate a company or organization” and clicks the “Next” button, the following page should be displayed on the Nominee Information” page:

a.    The next screen in the Nominee Information step requires the web user to enter the name of the company or subgroup he/she wants to nominate. The system will check the customer records for an existing customer match.

b.    If the web user enters the nominee's Name, clicks Check, and the system finds a match based on the name of the company or subgroup entered:

i.      The system will display the match(es) in the search results, as shown below.

ii.     If the nominator sees the nominee he/she is looking for in the list, he/she can select the radio button next to the appropriate company/subgroup.

If the nominator does NOT see the nominee he/she is looking for in the list, he/she can enter a different name or select the None of the Above option and click Next. Please note that the None of the Above option is different from the Do not know email address button. If the web user clicks the Do not know email address button, he/she can enter the nominee information without an email address. Whereas, if the web user selects the None of the Above option, he/she must enter an email address when filling out the nominee information.

iii.   Additionally, if the award has been defined to Use Point of Contact, the web user can provide an alternate point of contact for the company or subgroup nominee.

iv.    The web user would then click Next. See step 6 below for next steps.

c.    If the web user enters the nominee's Name, clicks Check, and the system does NOT find a match based on the name entered or the web user does not see the person he/she is looking for in the search results:

i.      The system will display that no matches were found, as shown below.

Alternatively, if the system does return a match in the search results, but the nominator does NOT see the nominee he/she is looking for in the list, he/she can select the None of the Above option and click Next. See step ii below for next steps.

ii.     The web user would then either enter a different name or click Add Company Details.
The Nominee Details fields display for the nominator to enter the nominee's contact information, as shown below.

iii.   Additionally, if the award has been defined to Use Point of Contact, the web user can provide an alternate point of contact for the nominee.

iv.    The web user would then click Next.

If the system is not able to validate the nominee's address, the web user will receive a warning message with the options of continuing with the entered address or editing the address.

After proceeding from the first step, Nominee Information, if the nominator clicks Cancel at any time or closes the browser, even if he/she does not click Save as Draft, the system will save the nomination as a draft. The nomination will be available to the web user in the “My Awards Nominations” area.

Please note that the web user cannot access this step in the process again after proceeding to step 2 unless he/she deletes this nomination and starts a new one from scratch. For example, from the My Awards Nominations page, if the web user clicks Edit for any nomination, the very first step would be Nomination Information, with no option to go back to the Nominee Information step.

7.    The Nomination Information step displays a list of the nomination questions defined on the Questions tab for the award. For more information, please see Adding Award Nomination Questions. The web user can then click Next to proceed, Save as Draft to save the nomination for later, or Cancel to abandon the nomination process. Please note that if the web user chooses to save the nomination for later, the message that displays is defined in the Nominator Draft Instructions field on the Web Setup tab for the award. For more information, please see Defining Award Web Setup. Please note that if the web user chooses to cancel the nomination, the system will save the nomination as a draft and the nominator can delete the nomination from the My Awards Nominations page if necessary.

8.    If the award has been defined to prompt the nominator for attachments, the Attachments step displays next. From here, the web user can click Choose File to select the appropriate attachment and Upload to save the attachment with the nomination. Required attachments will be designated with a red asterisk (*). The web user can then click Next to proceed, Save as Draft to save the nomination for later, or Cancel to abandon the nomination process. Please note that if the web user chooses to save the nomination for later, the message that displays is defined in the Nominator Draft Instructions field on the Web Setup tab for the award. For more information, please see Defining Award Web Setup. Please note that if the web user chooses to cancel the nomination, the system will save the nomination as a draft and the nominator can delete the nomination from the My Awards Nominations page, if necessary.

There is a 4MB size limitation for each uploaded attachment and NO size limitation for all uploaded attachments. This setting can be changed via the Internet Information Services (IIS) settings.

9.    The final step in the self-nomination process allows the web user to review the information defined during each step of the nomination process. From here, he/she can click the Edit link in the appropriate sections to jump back to the appropriate step to change the information. Additionally, web users can click the Print Friendly View to display a printer friendly view of the nomination preview. The web user can then click Submit Final to submit the nomination or Save as Draft to save the nomination for later. Please note that if the web user chooses to save the nomination for later, the message that displays is defined in the Nominator Draft Instructions field on the Web Setup tab for the award. For more information, please see Defining Award Web Setup.

10.  If the web user clicks Submit Final and the award has been defined to require the nominator to pay a fee to submit the nomination (Payment Required checkbox is checked on the Details tab for the award), the Next Steps window displays, as shown below.

11.  If the web user chooses Pay Now, he/she is taken to the checkout screen (see step 14).

12.  If the web user chooses to Pay Later:

a.    The following message displays. If the web user clicks Yes, he/she will be taken to the Awards Listing page. If the web user clicks No, the window will close and he/she will see the My Award Nominations page.

b.    From the My Awards Nominations, the web user can pay the nomination fee later by selecting the award with a "Payment Pending" status and clicking Pay Selected Nomination Fees. The nominator is then taken the checkout screen.

13.  From the checkout screen (Pay Now control), the nominator can complete the nomination process by selecting a payment method.

14.  After the web user enters the required information and clicks Complete Order, if the order successfully processes, the Order Summary page displays, as shown below. From this page, the web user can submit another nomination for the same award, nominate someone for a different award, or go to the My Awards Nominations page.

15.  Once the nomination is successfully submitted with payment, the nomination will display in the list of closed nominations on the My Awards Nominations screen with a status of "Submitted", as shown below.