Membership Order Corporate Associates

Using the Corporate Associates screen, you can add corporate associate members that will receive member benefits. From this screen, you can perform the following:

·            Add a new customer as a corporate associate.
A new customer can be added to the database and will have linked address to the customer on the order's primary address.

·            Add an existing linked customer as a corporate associate.
Existing customers with an active relationship to the customer on the order can be added as a corporate associate.

·            Add an existing non-linked customer as a corporate associate.
Existing customers in the database with NO active relationships to the customer on the order can be added as a corporate associate.


If you modify the list of corporate associates after a membership order is activated, a message displays asking you if you want to recalculate the CAC product dues (only if you set the RECALC_NAMED_ASSOC_DUES application parameter to “N”).

If you add named associates to a membership order, those customers will get member pricing for as long as the membership is current and active. Named associates linked to a membership order are carried forward to the next renewal order.

The Corporate Associates screen distinguishes between 'linked' and 'non-linked'. The list of 'linked' customers (i.e., customer with an active relationship to the customer on the order) display by default, but you can look up any customer you want if desired ('non-linked'). In the end, whomever you have added to the associate list will get the member privileges.

In this section:

·            Adding a New Customer as a Corporate Associate to a Membership Order

·            Adding an Existing Linked Customer as a Corporate Associate to a Membership Order

·            Adding an Existing Non-Linked Customer as a Corporate Associate to a Membership Order