Donations on the Web

Donations over the web should be as easy for the web user to accomplish as possible. The goal of the online donation controls is to allow someone to simply click on a link on a web page and give the donation without having to worry about their username or password. The online donation control allows your web customers to make donations to a fundraising product without having to log-on to the website.


As of 7.6.0, the following new .NET controls have been created:

·            Donation Listing

·            Donation Wizard

·            Donation Thank You

·            Tribute Card Information

·            Tribute Confirmation


Additionally, the Donation History profile control has been updated.

As of 7.6.0, the one-click donation DNN web module has been replaced by the new .NET donation wizard control.

To see a video demonstration of the setup and web user experience, please see Video Demo: Online Donations Setup and Demo.