Donation Listing Control Overview

The Donation Listing control displays a list of all web-enabled fundraising cash and pledge gifts. From the listing, web users can click Donate Now to proceed to the Donation Wizard control for gifts to which they want to donate.

By default, ALL web-enabled cash and pledge gifts will display in the donation listing. However, you have the option of hiding certain pledge gifts from the listing. For example, let's say you have a cause related to "Advancing Futures of Adults with Autism", and for this cause, you have both a cash gift and a pledge gift defined. In this case, you would not want to display both the cash and pledge gifts in the listing because web users might be confused. For more information on this setup, please see Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Donation Listing Control.

You can also set up the listing so that only specific product classes and/or IDs display using the Filter: Product Class(es) and Filter: Product Id(s) control settings. For more information about these control settings, please see Configuring the Web Settings for the Donation Listing Control.

See also:

·            For more information on the back office setup required for information to display properly in the listing, please see Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Donation Listing Control.

·            For more information about the control settings, please see Configuring the Web Settings for the Donation Listing Control.

Customer Impact

After setting up your gifts in the back office and configuring the appropriate web settings, the donation listing control will display similar to what is shown below.

FND gifts are displayed in alphabetical order by Product.SHORT_NAME.