Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Member Directory Control

The Online Directory Setup screen (MBR200_ONLINE_DIRECTORY_SETUP) allows membership managers and IT staff to configure online directories per org/org unit to display on the web. In addition to identifying the stored procedure that provides searchable data, organizations have the option of setting up advanced search options. For more information, please see Setting Up an Online Member Directory.

Data in the table that holds membership order information for online directories is populated and kept up to date by the MBR800 batch process. You can schedule this batch process to run as frequently as needed. It is recommended that you run the process two to four times a day so that online member directories are kept up to date.

The following elements of the Member Directory control are configured in the back office:

·            Directory Title

·            Directory Description

·            'Free Text' Ghost Text

·            Go Button Text

·            No 'Free Text' Results Message

·            Advanced Search Options

·            Search Results

Directory Title

The Directory Title defined on the Online Directory Setup screen displays as the title of the directory, as shown below.

Directory Description

The Directory Description defined on the Online Directory Setup screen displays as the short description of the directory, as shown below.

'Free Text' Ghost Text

The 'Free Text' Ghost Text defined on the Online Directory Setup screen displays in the search field, as shown below. Please note that the maximum number of characters that this field accepts is 120.

Go Button Text

The Go Button Text defined on the Online Directory Setup screen displays as the name of the search button, as shown below.

No 'Free Text' Results Message

If no results are found, the system will display the No ‘Free Text’ Results Message defined on the Online Directory Setup screen, as shown below.

Advanced Search Options

The fields on the Search tab on the Online Directory Setup screen in which the Include in Advanced Search checkbox is checked will display as advanced search options when the user clicks More Search Options, as shown below. Please note that the label for each search option is defined in the Caption field.

The label "More Search Options" was chosen because the term ‘advanced’ causes some users to avoid a feature. Therefore, it is NOT recommended that you rename this feature "Advanced Search". Any change to this label will require a change to the code in Visual Studio.

If the Automatically Display Results checkbox is checked on the Online Directory Setup screen, you can uncheck the Include Search Options checkbox to suppress the search options.

If the Include Location Search checkbox is checked on the Online Directory Setup screen, the location search options display when the web user clicks "More Search Options", as shown below. This option includes a "My Current Location" option, which leverages either GPS (if enabled/available on the mobile device) or IP address.

There is no configuration for the placement of this section. By default, it will display as the first advanced search option.

Search Results

The fields on the Results tab on the Online Directory Setup screen in which the Display in Results checkbox is checked will display in the search results, as shown below.


Please note that the label for each result data is defined in the Caption field, as shown below.

If the Automatically Display Results checkbox is checked on the Online Directory Setup screen, the directory will load on open, rather than requiring the user to first provide a search term or condition. This checkbox should only be checked for directories that have 250 records or less. It is NOT recommended that you check this checkbox for larger directories. If checked, you should test page load times.

The Max Results per Search field on the Online Directory Setup screen determines the maximum number of results that will be returned by the search. The threshold is intended to prevent spamming and other undesirable consequences of sharing constituent data. The search will not fail if more than 300 records are found; it will only show the first 300 results. If the number of results exceeds the amount defined via the Max Results per Search field, the Count Exceeded Text message defined in the web settings will display to the user. Additionally, the number of results that display per page is defined in the Page Size parameter in the web settings.