Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Membership Listing Control

The membership listing control is designed to leverage the standard setups for each membership. However, it is important to understand which choices in the back office will impact the way this control displays various membership options online.  

After first creating a membership group (see Creating a Member Group for more information), and then defining the membership product (see Creating a Membership Product for more information), it is very important to web-enable the membership listing(s) that you want to display on the web. The Defining a Membership Product to Display on the Web section details general settings that need to be configured in the back office.


The section below details how the listing control interacts with the following specific back office settings:

·            Web-enabled rates

·            Membership rate structures

·            Membership rate priority

·            Default web rate

·            Brief description

·            Long description

·            Membership group display order

Web-Enabled Rates

In order to display the membership rates on the web, the Web Enabled Rate checkbox must be checked on the Rates and Pricing screen in Product Maintenance, as highlighted below. If this checkbox is NOT checked, the membership rate will NOT display on the web.

The maximum number of rate codes that can display on the Membership Listing control is three. The first three rates (based on the settings in the Priority text box) will be displayed; others will be suppressed from the listing page due to space constraints. More than three membership rate listings can display after a user has selected a membership and started the join process.

Membership Rate Structures

In order to maintain rate structures for membership on the web, the "ListRateStructure" and "MemberRateStructure" values in the Web.config for PersonifyDataServices should be correctly mapped with the Rate Structure Maintenance screen (ORD000) in the back office, as highlighted below.


To do so, from the Rate Structure Maintenance screen in the back office, check Default Structure checkbox and Member Price checkbox, as highlighted below. The "List Rate Structure" corresponds to the "Default Structure" and the "Member Rate Structure" corresponds to the "Member Price". See Defining Rate Structure Defaults for more information.

Membership Rate Priority

The order in which the membership rates display is determined by the number entered in the Priority text box on the Rates and Pricing screen in Product Maintenance, as highlighted below. If you enter a "1" in the Priority text box, it will cause the rate code to display first in the listing (i.e., farthest to the left). If there is NOT a priority order set, the order will be random.

Web users will see the membership prices listed in the order you setup in the back office, as shown below. The most prominent rate is the Default Web Rate (see below for more information).

Default Web Rate

As a best practice, it is highly recommended that you set your membership default web rate to the best per-year deal (e.g., the longest duration of membership, this typically results in the most savings for potential members) or the most popular membership rate. In addition, make sure to be very consistent with your rate code descriptions, because this allows potential members to easily compare and contrast the different membership rates and options that you offer.

Similar to the Priority order, if there is NOT a Default Rate/Featured Product defined, the featured membership will be random.

Additionally, the appropriate rate must have the Default Web Rate checkbox checked on the Rates and Pricing screen in Product Maintenance, as highlighted below.

You can only have one featured membership for each membership group.

Web users will see the default/featured web rate for membership displayed on your e-Business site, as highlighted below. 

Brief Description

This should provide a brief overview of the membership’s most salient details (e.g., benefits,differences from other memberships, etc.). A user needs to know why he/she should choose one type of membership over another, as well as why he/she should become a member of your organization. As a best practice, Personify recommends a bulleted list that highlights the different membership benefits and indicates any variation by rate code (e.g., 1 year members receive Quarterly Journal, 2 year members also receive Industry Magazine, etc.). 

The brief description is defined on the Brief Description screen in Product Maintenance, as shown below.

The brief description displays to the right on the Membership Listing control, as highlighted below.

Long Description

This is an opportunity to provide more details about a particular membership. The long description is defined on the Long Description screen in Product Maintenance, as shown below.

Long description text will display if the web user clicks the View More link, highlighted below.


The web user can then click View Less (highlighted below) to collapse the long description.

The web control will respect formatting set up in Product Central. It is the responsibility of the user setting up this data to ensure that it will look good online. As a best practice, as little formatting as possible should be used so the website’s style sheet can be leveraged for a consistent user experience.

Membership Group Display Order

The Sort Order field in the back office is only used by the Promotional (Featured) Product control. If you define a Sort Order for a membership product, it will NOT display on the Membership Product control. It only will display on the Promotional (Featured) Product control.

Currently, the order in which the membership groups are displayed on the web is determined by their product ID number. The product ID number is the default display order for membership groups on the web and is determined by the order that the membership groups were created in the back office.

As of 7.6.0, the product ID number displays in the header on the Product Maintenance screen.

For example, if APA Individual Member has a product ID number of 156, Lifetime Membership has a product ID of 157, and Student Membership has a product ID of 158, on the web the display order will be as follows: APA Individual Member, Lifetime Membership, Student Membership, as shown below.