This section does not describe how to install Personify or Sitecore. It is assumed that both of these applications are already installed and that the user has some familiarity with both the Personify web controls and the Sitecore administrative tools.
For the Personify Sitecore Connector 1.2 release, the minimum supported
version of the Personify web controls is 1.2.0 SP1 which was released
alongside Personify 7.5.0 SP1. Both the Personify Sitecore Connector and
the Personify web controls require ASP.NET v4.0 or later.
In order to set up the connector, perform the following:
2. Install the Sitecore Package
4. Deploy the Personify Web Controls
5. Patch the Personify Web Controls
7. Restart llS
See Also: