Optional Configurations

The following are optional configurations:

·            Multi-Org Functionality

·            Personify Logging

·            Sample SSO Implementation

Multi-Org Functionality

To enable multi-org functionality, add the following XML in the sites section of the web.config file and update it accordingly.


<site name="[site name of additional org/org unit in IIS]" personifyOrgId="[OrgId of additional org/org unit]" personifyOrgUnit="[OrgUnitId of additional org/org unit]" hostName="[host name of additional org/org unit]" virtualFolder="[virtual folder of additional org/org unit]" physicalFolder="[physical folder of additional org/org unit]" rootPath="[root path of additional org/org unit]" startItem="[home page of additional org/org unit]" database="web" domain="extranet" allowDebug="true" cacheHtml="true" htmlCacheSize="10MB" registryCacheSize="0" viewStateCacheSize="0" xslCacheSize="5MB" filteredItemsCacheSize="2MB" enablePreview="true" enableWebEdit="true" enableDebugger="true" disableClientData="false"/>


Additionally, ensure that a user in the Personify back office is only set up for the additional organization/organization unit and that the user information is present in the registry of the server hosting the Sitecore installation. Refer to the Installing the Registry File section.

Personify Logging

To enable Personify logging, add the following XML just after the closing of the system.codedom section of the web.config file and update the location where the log file should be stored in the initializeData attribute.



      <source name="Personify.WebControls" switchValue="All">


          <remove name="Default"/>

          <add name="textfileListener"/>





      <add name="textfileListener" type="Personify.WebControls.Base.Utilities.PersonifyFileTraceListener, Personify.WebControls.Base"          

          initializeData="[your logging path]\personifyWebControls.log" />


    <trace autoflush="true" />


Sample SSO Implementation

A sample single sign-on (SSO) implementation has been provided as part of the Personify Sitecore Connector 1.2 release. It can be found in the Personify.SitecoreConnector.sso.dll file and is called "PersonifyIdentityProvider". It can replace the default SSO named "AnonymousIdentityProvider" found in the Personify.SitecoreConnector.dll file.


This sample class demonstrates the collection of the user information and the generation of a PersonifyIdentity object. The PersonifyIdentity object contains the information that the Personify web controls require to identify the current user. The information is passed into the controls as they are rendered


This provided SSO implementation is only a sample that is NOT recommended for use in a production environment. It is recommended that an SSO implementation of PersonifyIdentityProvider be developed specifically for your own Sitecore installation dependent upon authentication, redirection, and session requirements.