Configuring Sitecore 1.2

To configure the Sitecore installation for use with the Personify web controls:

1.    Open the Personify.config.example file.

2.    The following four sections need to be updated in the web.config file with information from the Personify.config.example file:

a.    configSections

b.    castle

c.    appSettings

d.    system.webServer.handlers

e.    runtime.assemblyBinding

3.    In the appSettings section, update the following values:

a.    RegistrySetting
Ensure that this value matches the value in the Personify registry file.

b.    Domains for Data Services, SSO, and IMS

i.      Any domains which state "your personify site" should use the domain of your instance of Personify360.

ii.     Review the service paths to ensure they use the domain of your instance of Personify360.

See Also:

·            Deploying the Personify Web Controls