Adding Third-Party Social Scores

As of 7.5.0, organizations that use a third-party online community now have the ability to store a community score value in Personify that is calculated by a third party. You can choose whether to have social community scores included in constituents’ engagement scores by setting a multiplier value for social community scores that is greater than 0. For more information, please see Defining Engagement Scoring Values and Descriptions. If your organization has integrated with a third party to upload a constituent's social community score into Personify, you can view the constituent's scoring records from the Social Community Scores screen in CRM360.


If your organization uses a third-party online community and you would like to store a community score value, you can do so by sending data via a web service.


The data sent can be a new record or an update to an existing record. The stored procedure being called is CRM360_Add_Social_Data and it accepts the following input parameters:


@CUS_Social_Score_ID              dbo.NUMERIC_ID = NULL

, @Master_Customer_ID             dbo.CUSTOMER_ID

, @Sub_Customer_ID                dbo.SUB_SEQUENCE

, @Social_Score_Type_Code         dbo.CODE_CODE

, @Social_Score_Type_SubCode      dbo.CODE_CODE = NULL

, @Social_Score_Descr             dbo.LONG_DESCRIPTION = ''

, @Social_Score                   DECIMAL(7, 2)

, @Comments                       dbo.COMMENTS_MEDIUM = NULL

, @AddOper                        dbo.USER_ID

, @AddDate                        DATETIME = NULL

, @ModOper                        dbo.USER_ID = NULL

, @ModDate                        DATETIME = NULL


A sample web service call to insert/update data using stored procedure CRM360_Add_Social_Data is shown below:


DataServiceCollection<StoredProcedureParameter> ipSPParameterList;

ipSPParameterList = new DataServiceCollection<StoredProcedureParameter>(null, TrackingMode.None);

StoredProcedureParameter SPParameter = new StoredProcedureParameter();

SPParameter.Name = "@CUS_Social_Score_ID";

SPParameter.Value = "";

SPParameter.Direction = 1;


SPParameter = new StoredProcedureParameter();

SPParameter.Name = "@Master_Customer_ID";

SPParameter.Value = "";

SPParameter.Direction = 1;


SPParameter = new StoredProcedureParameter();

SPParameter.Name = "@Sub_Customer_ID";

SPParameter.Value = "";

SPParameter.Direction = 1;


SPParameter = new StoredProcedureParameter();

SPParameter.Name = "@Social_Score_Type_Code";

SPParameter.Value = "";

SPParameter.Direction = 1;


SPParameter = new StoredProcedureParameter();

SPParameter.Name = "@Social_Score_Type_SubCode";

SPParameter.Value = "";

SPParameter.Direction = 1;


SPParameter = new StoredProcedureParameter();

SPParameter.Name = "@Social_Score_Descr";

SPParameter.Value = "";

SPParameter.Direction = 1;


SPParameter = new StoredProcedureParameter();

SPParameter.Name = "@Social_Score";

SPParameter.Value = "";

SPParameter.Direction = 1;


SPParameter = new StoredProcedureParameter();

SPParameter.Name = "@Comments";

SPParameter.Value = "";

SPParameter.Direction = 1;


SPParameter = new StoredProcedureParameter();

SPParameter.Name = "@AddOper";

SPParameter.Value = "";

SPParameter.Direction = 1;


SPParameter = new StoredProcedureParameter();

SPParameter.Name = "@AddDate";

SPParameter.Value = "";

SPParameter.Direction = 1;


SPParameter = new StoredProcedureParameter();

SPParameter.Name = "@ModOper";

SPParameter.Value = "";

SPParameter.Direction = 1;


SPParameter = new StoredProcedureParameter();

SPParameter.Name = "@ModDate";

SPParameter.Value = "";

SPParameter.Direction = 1;


StoredProcedureRequest SPRequest = new StoredProcedureRequest()


    StoredProcedureName = "CRM360_Add_Social_Data",


    SPParameterList = ipSPParameterList                


StoredProcedureOutput resp = SvcClient.Post<StoredProcedureOutput>("GetStoredProcedureDataXML", SPRequest);