Processing Credit Card Receipts for Inventoried Products

Processing deferred receipts for Inventoried products closely resembles processing receipts for Non-Inventoried products in its beginning steps. The difference comes when you request authorization for the credit card.


In order to maintain PCI compliance, Personify must defer any charges to credit cards for orders involving Inventoried products. The application cannot charge a credit card payment until the item is ready for shipment. Therefore, when you request authorization for an Inventoried product order, you create a deferred receipt (type=9) and a pre-authorization rather than an order receipt and a pre-sale.


Running INV620 checks for the credit card authorization. If the authorization is invalid, INV620 issues a new authorization and sets the receipt as a pre-authorization. You can then capture the pre-authorization and change it to a pre-sale by running CCP610, so the processor can settle the credit card transaction later that night.


Processing a receipt for an Inventoried product includes the following steps:

1.    Creating the Batch

2.    Creating Deferred Receipts for Inventoried Orders

3.    Running the INV620 Process

4.    Running CCP610 with Deferred Receipts


Credit card processing respects the merchant parameter setups:

·            IGNORE_CVV  - If an organization is using CVV authorization

o           If the CVV code supplied by the customer is correct, the credit card should be successfully authorized.

o           If CVV is required, and if the customer provides the wrong CVV code from the web, the card should fail the validation check.

o           If CVV is required, and if the wrong CVV code is entered for the credit card from the back-office application, the card should fail the validation check.

o           If CVV is required, and if no CVV code is entered for the credit card from the back-office application, the card should fail the validation check if NULL is one of the CVV reject codes.

o           If CVV is required, and if no CVV code is entered for the credit card from the back-office application, the card should pass the validation check If NULL is not one of the CVV reject codes.

·            IGNORE_AVS  - If an organization is using AVS authorization:

o           If the address information supplied by the customer matches the bill-to address associated with the credit card, and if all other requirements are met, the credit card should be successfully authorized.

o           If the address information supplied by the customer does not match the bill-to address associated with the credit card, the credit card should be rejected.