ABC Setup Management

Before running an ABC report, it is necessary to setup the areas of Personify360 that the report will call upon. Twice a year ABC requires each publisher member to submit a statement of circulation data. The reporting periods end March 31st, June 30th, September 30th, and December 31st of any given year.


The analyzed issue is the issue from the previous month. For example, the June 30th period will be analyzing the May issue.


The following tasks are included in this section:

·            Defining the Audit Type Codes in the System

·            Defining Publisher's Audit Regions

·            Enabling ABC Audit for a Specific Publication

·            Generating an ABC Publisher Statement

·            Recording your Audit History

See Also:

·            For an overview of ABC reports, refer to ABC Reports Introduction.

·            For more information on some basic terminology and their definitions that are often used in publisher’s statements, see Terminology and Definitions.

·            For more information on ABC audit report design, refer to ABC Audit Design.

·            For more information on ABC910, refer to ABC910- Nth Selection Report.