Terminology and Definitions

This table represents some basic terminology and their definitions that are often used in publisher’s statements.

Some of this terminology and the accompanying definitions change depending on the type of publication (i.e., newspapers, consumer magazines, and business publications). This table’s definitions are meant for business publications.



Total Average Qualified Paid Circulation

Reports circulation by individual, association, sponsored individually addressed, multi-copy same addressee, and single copy categories. Qualified paid circulation is defined as single copies or subscriptions sold at one cent or more.

Definition of Recipient Qualification

This is standard in every business publication report. It defines the qualification standard for the publication by stating specific businesses, industries, titles, occupations and/or functions with clearly defined limits to whom the publication is directed.

Qualified Paid Circulation by Issue

Reports qualified paid circulation for every issue served within the time frame covered by the statement.

Additional Circulation Information – Post Expiration Copies Included in Paid Circulation

Reports the percentage of paid subscriptions served one to three issues past the expiration date for a given issue and for the period covered by the report.

Qualified Non-Paid Circulation

Reports circulation that is addressed to recipients in which the copies served are not paid for by the recipient. Recipients must qualify according to the “Definition of Recipient Qualification.” Since business publications rely on the qualification of the recipient base, analysis of the base is divided into the following areas during the period covered by the report:

·       Business/Occupational

·       Age of Source Data

·       Mailing Address

·       Geographic

·       Sales of Total New

·       Renewal Subscriptions Sold

Individual Subscription

Served by mail and qualified as “paid” in accordance with ABC rules.

Association Subscription

There are two types of Association Subscription:

·       Association Subscription deductible from dues

·       Gives the member the option of either accepting or rejecting. Rejecting reduces the dues by a definite sum not to be less than one cent. This option must be made known to the member at the time of joining and must be clearly stated on each bill for dues or invoice.

·       Association Subscription non-deductible from dues

·       Members’ dues remain the same whether they elect to accept or reject the publication. The member must be notified that the dues include a subscription, as well as the amount of dues allocated for payment of the subscription. On every bill for dues, the amount of the dues allocated for payment of the subscription must be stated.

Single-Copy Sale

A specific copy of an issue. This can also be “Single-Copy Sales as Multi-copy – Same Addressee.” In this instance, if the number of copies involved in a multi-copy sale exceeds 1% of the “Total Average Paid Circulation” and/or the non-paid direct request, excluding the “Multi-Copy – Same Addressee” and “Multi-Copy – Sponsored Individually Addresses,” the copies involved in that sale in excess of 1% may be reported as “Single-Copy Sales as Multi-Copy – Same Addressee and Sponsored Individually Addressed.”

Multi-Copy Sale

All copies or subscriptions purchased in quantities of two or more, which are seen as promoting the professional or business interests of the purchaser. There are two types of Multi-Copy Sale:

·       Multi-Copy – Same Addressee

·       Multi-Copy Sales that are shipped in bulk to the purchaser who controls the final distribution.

·       Multi-Copy – Sponsored Individually Addressed

·       Multi-Copy Sales that are individually addressed and mailed. If mailed in bulk, satisfactory evidence must be maintained in the publisher’s office showing that such copies are for distribution to designated recipients by name and/or title.

Paid Circulation

Copies of the publications that have been paid for by the purchasers, not for resale, and fulfilling the below conditions:

·       Single-copy sales

·       Shall be paid for at no less than one cent.

·       Subscription sales

·       For any period the subscription must be paid for at no less than one cent.

·       Association subscriptions

·       For any period the subscription must be paid for at no less than one cent.

·       Subscriptions that are served immediately following the expiration date and post-expiration copies

·       For no longer than 25% of the original term order, with a maximum of three consecutive months.

·       Post expiration copies served on bulk (multi-copy) cannot be counted as paid circulation.

·       Credit subscriptions (sold on a promise-to-pay basis)

·       The term of the obligation is not for more than three months.

·       The subscriber pays the sum billed.

·       The amount charged is sufficient to meet the requirements of ABC rules in all other respects.

·       If sold within North America and the West Indies, payment must be made within six months after the start of service.

·       If sold outside of North America and the West Indies, payment must be made within nine months after the start of service.

Subscriptions purchased with Award Points (to include frequent flyer miles) shall qualify as paid only upon evidence that the cash value of the points is equivalent to at least one cent. Subscriptions received in a contest or given as prizes shall not be included in paid circulation.

Field Served

A statement by the publisher of the specific business or industry covered by the publication and of the target audience of its editorial content.

Recipient Qualification

A statement by the publisher describing the titles or functions of the individuals or groups entitled to receive copies of the publication.

Circulation served to paid and non-paid sources must be supported by information which is no older than 36 months and will align the recipient to the field served.

See Also:

·            For an overview of ABC reports, refer to ABC Reports Introduction.

·            For more information on ABC audit report design, refer to ABC Audit Design.

·            For more information on how to set up an ABC report, refer to ABC Setup Management.

·            For more information on ABC910, refer to ABC910- Nth Selection Report.