Updating a Prospect's Moves Prospect Information

The Prospect Information tab shows all details relevant to the selected prospect. Under this tab, you can view the prospect’s relationships (business, personal, etc.), their giving (donation) history, any confidential information, their capability scores (related to how much they can possibly donate), and their Moves plan history.


The Relationships tab brings together all the relationship capabilities of the system into a single display. From here, you can establish a relationship and update the donor contact information.

Adding an end date to the a prospect's solicitor relationship will NOT end the solicitor's assignment to the prospect. To end a solicitor's assignment to a prospect, you must add an end date on the solicitor's prospect record in Solicitor Maintenance. For more information, please see Ending a Solicitor's Assignment to a Prospect.

Capability scores allow you to assign donation information to a Prospect based on the percentage chance that the Prospect will donate. This helps Solicitors judge the ‘donation strength’ of their assigned Prospects.

To update a prospect's relationship information:

1.    On the Personify toolbar, select Moves Mgmt > Prospect Moves Plan Mgmt.
The Prospect Moves Plan Management Search screen displays.

2.    Search for and select a prospect.
The Prospect Moves Plan Management details screen displays, as shown below.  

3.    Select the Prospect Information tab.

4.    To add relationship information:

a.    Select the Relationships tab at the bottom of the screen.

b.    Click Add.

c.    Select the Relationship Type from the drop-down.

d.    Select the Relationship from the drop-down.
This is the relationship code associated with the Relationship Type.

e.    If necessary, enter any Comments.

f.      Select the customer record for whom the customer is related to by completing one of the following:

o           To search for an existing customer as the related customer, click the Related Constituent link and search for the appropriate related customer. The Name (Last, First) field is automatically populated.

o           To enter a customer not within the system (such as a CEO’s assistant who does not do business with the association), then enter the related customer’s name in the text box.

Only one relationship of the same Relationship Type, Relationship, Reciprocal, and Begin Date can exist per prospect.

g.    Select the Reciprocal relationship from the drop-down.

h.    Select the Begin Date of the relationship from the drop-down.

i.      If necessary, select the End Date of the relationship from the drop-down.

j.      Click Save.

5.    To view the prospect's giving history, select the Giving History tab.

6.    To add confidential information:

a.    Select the Confidential Information tab.

b.    Select the External Wealth from the drop-down.

c.    Select the Income Range from the drop-down.

d.    Select the Income Source from the drop-down.

e.    Select the Income Updated from the drop-down.

f.      Enter the prospect's Annual Giving Estimate.

g.    Select the Donor Class from the drop-down.

h.    Select the Donor Giving Class from the drop-down.

i.      Select the Donor Giving Status from the drop-down.

j.      Enter the prospect's Spouse Name.

k.    Select the prospect's Spouse Birthday.

l.      Enter the prospect's Children Names.

m.  Click Save.

7.    To add capability scores:

a.    Select the Scores tab.

b.    Click Maintain Scores.
The Capability Score History screen displays, as shown below.

c.    Click Add.
A new Capability Score is entered into the table and the Details fields unlock.

d.    Select the Capability from the drop-down.

e.    Select the Inclination from the drop-down.

f.      Select the Assigned Capability Score from the drop-down.

g.    Select the Calculated Capability Score from the drop-down.

h.    Select the Date From from the drop-down.

i.      Select the Date To from the drop-down.

j.      Enter in any comments in the Comments text box.

k.    Check the Active checkbox if you want the Capability Score to show on the Prospect Moves Plan Management screen.

l.      If you want to enter in another Capability Score, repeat steps c through k.

m.  Click Save and Close.

8.    To view the prospect's move plan history, select the Prospect Moves Plan History tab.

9.    To add miscellaneous comments:

a.    Select the Miscellaneous Comments tab.

b.    Click Add.

c.    The Date automatically populates with today's date and cannot be changed.

d.    Select the Comment Type from the drop-down.

e.    The User automatically populates with the name of the logged in user and cannot be changed.

f.      Enter your Comments.

g.    Click Save.

Screen Element

Field Description



Button. Click this button to enabled the fields in the Relationship Detail section and add a new relationship to the prospect.


Button. When clicked, the select relationship will be deleted.

Deleting a relationship record will remove the entire history of the relationship. Alternatively, select an End Date.

Relationship Type

Drop-down. Depending on the relationship type selected, more information may need to be entered. If you select “Contact”, fill out the fields in the Contact Information section. If you select “Employment”, fill out the fields in the Employment section.

When adding a new contact relationship, only one relationship can be designated as primary. When adding a new relationship, if a primary contact relationship already exists you will be prompted to choose whether to make this contact the primary contact and end the previous contact relationship OR make this contact the primary contact but do not end the previous contact relationship.

Values are populated based on the relationship types defined on the Relationships Maintenance screen. Depending on the type selected, more information may need to be entered. For example, if you select “Employment”, the Employment section will display below with additional data entry fields.


Drop-down. This is the relationship code associated with the Relationship Type.


Text box. If necessary, enter any comments about the relationship.

Related Constituent

Link. Click this link to select the related constituent to the prospect.


Drop-down. This is the relationship the related customer has with the prospect you are working with.

Begin Date

Date Drop-down. The begin date of the relationship.

End Date

Date Drop-down. The end date of the relationship.

View Related Constituent

Button. Click this button to open the related constituent in CRM360®.

Giving History

Txn Date

Read-only. The date the transaction occurred.

Soft Credit

Read-only. Whether or not the donation received soft credits. Soft credits can be given to the solicitor linked to the donor for Cash and Pledge fundraising products. All other fundraising products (including credits entered manually) are considered soft credits.

Gift Type

Read-only. This is the type of product added as a transaction. For example, Pledge, Asset, or Cash. When a fund credit is created for a donor based on an order or a payment, the description of the Product Type Code in the order line populates here. If you created the credit manually, this field displays as a drop-down allowing you to select a value.

Credit Amount

Read-only. The amount of credit given.

Credit Role

Read-only. The role of the credit.


Read-only. The description of the donation.


Read-only. The campaign related to the transaction.


Read-only. The fund related to the transaction.


Read-only. The appeal related to the transaction.

Print Date

Read-only. The date an acknowledgement letter was generated for the donor


Text box. Any comments related to the transaction.

Confidential Information

External Wealth

Drop-down. Optional, user-defined code that identifies the prospect's estimated wealth. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the FND "EXTERNAL_WEALTH" system type.

Income Range

Drop-down. This is the range of the prospect's annual income level, which is useful information for soliciting contributions. This field uses different codes than what is defined for the constituent in the Annual Income Range Code field, because fundraising staff classify income levels differently than staff interested in member demographics. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the FND "INCOME_LEVEL" system type.

Income Source

Drop-down. This is the source of the prospect's income information. For example, the information could come from a survey or the donor’s membership information form. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the FND "INCOME_SOURCE" system type.

Income Updated

Date Drop-down. The date in which the prospect's income was updated.

Annual Giving Estimate

Text box. This is an estimated amount of money the constituent gives within a year. This estimate can be manually updated or set by the FND700 Estimated Giving batch process.

Donor Class

Drop-down. The general classification of the donor. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the FND "DONOR_CLASS" system type.

Donor Giving Class

Drop-down. Identifies whether a constituent is a prospect (meaning they have never made a donation), current donor, current major donor, past donor, or past major donor. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the fixed codes defined for the FND "DONOR_GIVING_CLASS" system type.

Donor Giving Status

Drop-down. Identifies whether a donor has never donated (NEVER), is a first time donor (FIRST_TIME) is a renewal donor (gave last year and this year), is a LYBUNT donor (last year but unfortunately not this year), or SYBUNT donor (some year but unfortunately not this year). Values in the drop-down are populated based on the fixed codes defined for the FND "DONOR_GIVING_STATUS" system type.

Spouse Name

Text box. The name of the prospect's spouse.

Spouse Birthday

Date Drop-down. The birth date of the prospect's spouse.

Children Names

Text box. The name of the prospect's children.


Text box. Comments about the prospect's confidential information.



Read-only. The capability selected from the Capability Score History window. See below for more information.


Read-only. The inclination selected from the Capability Score History window. See below for more information.

Assigned Capability Score

Read-only. The assigned capability score selected from the Capability Score History window. See below for more information.

Calculated Capability Score

Read-only. The calculated capability score selected from the Capability Score History window. See below for more information.

Maintain Scores

Button. Opens the Capability Score History window.

Capability Score History


Button. Clicking this button adds a new Capability Score to the table.


Button. Clicking this button removes the selected Capability Score from the table.


Drop-down. This is the capability that the Prospect has to donate. This could be represented by a phrase or a specific amount of money. For example, GOOD or $250k. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the FND "CAPABILITY" system type.


Drop-down. This is the inclination that the Prospect has to donate. This is usually represented by a Hot/Warm/Cold description. A Prospect is Hot when he or she is most likely to donate. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the FND "INCLINATION" system type.

Assigned Capability Score

Drop-down. Identifies the organizations estimation of the customers ability to give. This can be different than calculated capability code if the organization wants to do an additional calculation against the calculated capability score. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the FND "CAPABILITY_SCORE" system type.

Calculated Capability Score

Drop-down. Identifies the organizations estimation of the customers ability to give. This is different than capability code because it usually represents a combination of capability and inclination. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the FND "CAPABILITY_SCORE" system type.

Date From

Drop-down. The beginning date that the Capability Score applies to the Prospect. Date ranges are used because a Prospect’s Capability Score could fluctuate based on a changing income level or other factors.

Date To

Drop-down. The end date that the Capability Score applies to the Prospect. Date ranges are used because a Prospect’s Capability Score could fluctuate based on a changing income level or other factors.


Text box. Any comments you want to associate with the selected Capability Score.


Checkbox. Check this box to label the selected Capability Score as active.

Save and Close

Button. Clicking this will save the current Capability Scores and close the window.


Button. Clicking this will close the Capability Score History window without saving.

Prospect Moves Plan History

Moves Plan Type

Read-only. The name of the moves plan.

Moves Plan Stage

Read-only. This is a subcategory of a Plan Type. It is a tracking term used to describe how close a prospect is to donating.

Moves Plan Status

Read-only. The status of the moves plan.

Gift Goal Amount

Read-only. This allows you to assign a gift goal amount for the prospect that you want the solicitor to aim for.

Gift Amount

Read-only. This is the amount that the prospect has donated under this plan.

Gift Date

Read-only. The date in which the gift was given.

Miscellaneous Comments


Button. Based on the filters selected, when you click this button, the records in the grid below are filtered.


Button. When clicked, the fields in the Details section become enabled and a new comment can be added.


Button. When clicked, the selected comment is deleted.

View All Comments

Button. When clicked, a new window displays all comments.


Read-only. By default, this date is set to today.

Comment Type

Drop-down. The categorization for the comment. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the CUS "COMMENT_TYPE" system type.


Read-only. By default, the logged in user's name displays.


Text box. The miscellaneous comment(s).