FND700 – Estimated Giving Potential Calculation

This batch process provides a way for fundraising managers to estimate donations based on past donations given for a selected year. Donations are summed by donor and year and multiplied by the estimate percent value entered. A report is printed showing all selected donors, estimated percent used, old estimate, new estimate with subtotals by campaign-fund-appeal, and a grand total.


Estimates are calculated based on the previous three donation years. Users are able to enter six different percentages in two groups:

·            UP – This group applies to donors who exhibit an upward trend over the previous three donation years or where donations remained constant.

·            DOWN – This group applies to donors who exhibit a downward trend over the previous three donation years.


This method allows fund managers to get accurate estimates for the coming year in a single report. The report also shows which percentage group was used for a given donor estimate.






The report subtitle as you want it to print as part of the report header.


Organization ID

Read-only. Set to the organization ID of the person running the report.


Organization Unit ID

Read-only. Sets to the organization ID of the person running the report.



Mode in which the report runs:

·       EDIT – prints the report.

·       PROD – prints the report and updates the database tables.



Enter the Campaign(s) to run report for. If this parameter is left blank, report will run for all Campaigns.



Enter the Fund(s) to run report for. If this parameter is left blank, report will run for all Fund.



Enter the Appeal(s) to run report for. If this parameter is left blank, report will run for all Appeal.


Estimate Date

Enter the date to be used for donation selection. Donations will be selected three years back from the date entered here.


Percent Up 1

Enter in the percentage to use to generate a donation estimate from donations One year old. Percent up values are only used when the donors last three years of donations show an upward trend.


Percent Up 2

Enter in the percentage to use to generate a donation estimate from donations Two year old. Percent up values are only used when the donors last three years of donations show an upward trend. This percentage is added to the 1st years percentage to provide a total estimate


Percent Up 3

Enter in the percentage to use to generate a donation estimate from donations three year old. Percent up values are only used when the donors last three years of donations show an upward trend. This percentage is added to the 1st and 2nd years percentage to provide a total estimate.


Percent Down 1

Enter in the percentage to use to generate a donation estimate from donations One year old. Percent up values are only used when the donors last three years of donations show an downward trend.


Percent Down 2

Enter in the percentage to use to generate a donation estimate from donations Two year old. Percent up values are only used when the donors last three years of donations show an downward trend. This percentage is added to the 1st years percentage to provide a total estimate.


Percent Down 3

Enter in the percentage to use to generate a donation estimate from donations three year old. Percent up values are only used when the donors last three years of donations show an downward trend. This percentage is added to the 1st and 2nd years percentage to provide a total estimate.


Filter Criteria

Enter in a SQL statement to be included in record selection as an additional and clause in the report query. There is no need to include the 'and' in the statement. The tables which all can be referred in this process are Order_Detail, Order_Master, Customer, Far_Txn.
