Viewing Market Code Usage

The Market Code Usage tab lists the specific times when this market code has been used and against what specific list code. The tab gives the date when the list was processed, the organization from which the list was purchased, the number of records processed, and the list and marketing costs associated with market code usage.

Currently, the active flag is not exposed to add in the advance search settings for this screen.

To view market code usage:

1.    From the toolbar, select Marketing & Communication > Market Code Definition.
The Market Code Maintenance search screen displays.

2.    Search for the appropriate market code and click Select Market Code.
The Market Code Maintenance screen displays.

3.    Access the Market Code Usage tab.
The table shows the usage history of the market code.

See Also:

·            Defining a Market Code

·            Adding Subsystems to a Market Code

·            Viewing Market Code Analysis