Adding Prospect Demographic Information

The Demographic Information tab provides detailed demographic data on a customer.

To enter demographic information:

1.    From the toolbar, select Marketing & Communication > Prospect Edits.
The Prospect Edit search screen displays, as shown below.

2.    Search for an existing prospect and click Select Marketing Prospect or create a new prospect.
The Prospect Edit screen displays, as shown below.

3.    On the Demographic Information tab (shown below), select the Staff Range from the drop-down.

4.    Enter the Staff Size.

5.    Select the Job Function of the prospect from the drop-down.

6.    Select the Revenue Range from the drop-down.

7.    Enter information in the Comments section.

8.    Click Save.

Screen Element


Staff Range

Drop-down. The number of employees for the prospect.

Staff Size

Text box. The size of the staff in the company demographic.

Job Function

Drop-down. The job function or position of the individual. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the CUS "JOB_FUNCTION" system type.

Revenue Range

Drop-down. The range that represents the revenue earned for a company demographic. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the CUS "REVENUE_RANGE" system type.


Read-only. The amount of revenue for a company demographic.


Text box. A free-form field used to add additional comments on the prospect’s demographic information.

See Also:

·            Creating a New Prospect

·            Adding Prospect Address Information

·            Adding Prospect Postal and Voting Information

·            Adding Prospect Activities