Engagement Scoring Overview

Engagement scoring allows your organization to make data-driven decisions about communicating with your customers. This type of quantitative analysis can enable your organization to gauge the effectiveness of your engagement with your customers.


This feature can enable your organization to perform the following:

·            Determine constituent activity levels and engagement trends
This allows you to design rewards for active constituents or stimulation programs for less active constituents.

·            Determine what is most important to your constituents
This can be determined based on what categories receive the most points.

Tracking engagement scores will allow your organization to design better marketing campaigns to stimulate conversions and renewals, or increase spending by your constituents. For more information, please see Engagement Scoring Sample Use Cases.


As of 7.5.0, you can define how a customer’s engagement score is calculated using the Engagement Score Setup screen. For example, your organization may decide that customers who attend meetings should receive more engagement score points than those who purchase an inventoried product. Please see the Understanding Engagement Score Calculations in CRM360 for a list of the values and descriptions delivered with base Personify360.


Engagement scoring in Personify360 is broken down into three categories:

1.    Involvement

2.    Purchases and Donations

3.    Social Community (see Engagement Scoring Sample Use Cases for more information)


You can view a detailed breakdown of a customer’s engagement score from the CRM360® Overview screen. Additionally, as of 7.6.0, engagement scoring for companies can be set up to include the roll-up of employees' scores to their employer(s).

Although Personify360 provides a breakdown of a constituent's engagement score, it is the responsibility of your organization to determine what is considered a "good score". Each organization will interpret these values differently. See Engagement Scoring Sample Use Cases for some examples of how your organization might use engagement scoring.

In this section:

·            Engagement Scoring Sample Use Cases

·            Viewing a Constituent's Engagement Scoring in CRM360

o           Viewing the Detailed Breakdown of a Constituent's Engagement Score

o           Understanding Engagement Score Calculations in CRM360

·            Engagement Scoring Setup

o           Engagement Scoring Application Parameters

o           Defining Engagement Scoring Variables and Descriptions

·            Changing the Employer on an Order for Engagement Scoring Calculations (new as of 7.6.0)

·            Adding Social Community Scores to a Constituent's Record in CRM360

o           Adding Third-Party Social Scores

·            Engagement Scoring Technical Implementation

o           File Groups

o           Tables

o           Triggers

o           Stored Procedures

o           Application Parameters

o           Indexes

·            Video Demo: Engagement Scoring Setup and Demo