Viewing the Detailed Breakdown of a Constituent's Engagement Score

As of 7.6.0, you can view a detailed breakdown of both individuals' and companys' engagement scores. Additionally, as of 7.6.0, you can view the "roll-up" of a companys' employees' scores, if enabled.

The base logic on how the points are calculated should be reviewed with your account specialist to determine which metrics are meaningful to your organization, how many points should be assigned, etc. For more information on the base logic, please see Understanding Engagement Score Calculations in CRM360.

The first column displays a breakdown of the constituent's year-to-date score. Please note that the month that displays in parentheses to the right of "YTD" is based on the CUS CRM360_YTD_START_MONTH application parameter, which is set to "1" (Jan) by default.


The second column displays a breakdown of the constituent's score over a predefined period of time. Please note that the calculation is based on the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter, which is set to "3" years by default.

The totals at the bottom of the screen may differ from the totals in the Overview section of the main page in CRM360 due to rounding.

For more information on the stored procedures that update engagement scoring calculations, please see Refreshing the Overview and Involvement Sections in CRM360.


As of 7.5.0, to view the details of an individual's engagement score, click the hyperlinked score from the Overview section of the main page in CRM360. The Engagement Score Details screen displays, as shown below.


As of 7.5.0, you can view a detailed breakdown of a company's engagement score by clicking on the hyperlinked score from the Overview section of the main page in CRM360. The Engagement Score Details screen displays, as shown below.


As of 7.6.0, if the CUS CALCULATE_EMPLOYER_ENGAGEMENT_SCORE application parameter is set to "Y" and you are viewing a company record, an additional two columns will display, which will hold the rolled-up scores for all of the employees of that company. The employee scores are calculated in the same way as other customers. While it is possible for employers to be individuals, employee engagement score points are only rolled up to employer company records.

The employee does not need to be a current employee when the engagement score is calculated; the employee needs to have been an employee at the time of the order or activity.

Tracking Employer ID on Orders and Non-Order Activity Records

Employee purchases are linked back to their employer companies via Order_Master.EMPLOYER_MASTER_CUSTOMER_ID and Order_Master.EMPLOYER_SUB_CUSTOMER_ID. As of 7.6.0, you can select the employer to be associated with an order from the Order Entry screen in the back office or from the Checkout and/or Pay Now controls on the web.  


Personify360 allows individuals to have multiple employers (CUS MULTIPLE_CONCURRENT_EMPLOYERS application parameter = "Y"), but only one is allowed to be flagged as the primary employer. Once an employee changes employer, if the employee had multiple employers, it is not possible to identify who the primary employer was. Therefore, new EMPLOYER_MASTER_CUSTOMER_ID and EMPLOYER_SUB_CUSTOMER_ID fields have been added to the following tables:



·            AWD_NOMINEE





·            CUS_SOCIAL_SCORE


Type of Activity

When Employer ID is Populated


Employer ID is assigned to Order_Master

Committee Service

Employer ID is assigned when the Com_Committee_Member record is created. Committee member records are usually created in advance of the start of the committee term. This means that, if the committee member changes employer before the start of the committee term, that member’s previous employer will receive points for that member’s committee service.


Engagement score points will be rolled up to the employer company; if the committee member is representing another company (identified by Com_Committee_Member.REPRESENTING_MAST_CUST,  Com_Committee_Member.REPRESENTING_SUB_CUST), the customer being represented by the committee member will not receive points.

Volunteer Service

The employer ID is set on the Cus_Volunteer_Job_Assignment record when ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_CODE is updated to ‘ASSIGNED’ as long as no employer had been previously assigned for this activity.

Abstracts Submitter

The employer ID is set on the Abs_Submission record when EXTERNAL_STATUS_CODE is updated to "UNDER_REVIEW" as long as no employer had been previously assigned for this activity.

Abstracts Reviewer

The employer ID is set on the Abs_Submission_Reviewer record when ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_CODE is updated to "UNDER_REVIEW" as long as no employer had been previously assigned for this activity.

Awards Nominee and Nominations

The employer ID is set on the Awd_Nominee record when the record is created.


The employer ID is set on the Awd_Nominee_Nomination record when the NOMINATION_STATUS_CODE is set or updated to "SUBMITTED" as long as no employer had been previously assigned for this activity.

Awards Reviewer

The employer ID is set on the Awd_Nominee_Reviewer record when REVIEW_STATUS_CODE is set or updated to "ASSIGNED" as long as no employer had been previously assigned for this activity.

Certification Registrations

The employer ID is set on the Crt_Cus_Certification record when CERTIFICATION_STATUS_CODE is set or updated to "PENDING" as long as no employer had been previously assigned for this activity.

Attendance/Participation in Events and Webinars

Employer ID is assigned to Order_Master

See also: Understanding Engagement Score Calculations in CRM360

For a video demonstration, please see Engagement Scoring Demo and Setup.