Understanding Engagement Score Calculations in CRM360®

The rationale for weighting different product types is based on level of engagement. For instance, the fundamental difference between meetings and other products is the time and effort that the person spends to engage with the organization to attend a meeting. Base logic should be reviewed with your account specialist to determine which metrics are meaningful to your organization, how many points should be assigned, etc.


As of 7.5.0, organizations have the ability to set the variable multipliers used for each of the engagement scoring component calculations. The score displayed in CRM360 and stored for universe reporting is the sum of those individual fields. For more information, please see Defining Engagement Scoring Variables and Descriptions.

The totals at the bottom of the Engagement Score Details screen may differ from the totals in the Overview section of the main page in CRM360 due to rounding. For more information on how Personify360 uses rounding, please see the Round-to-Even overview.

Base Default Values and Descriptions for Variables

The following table lists the values and descriptions of the variables delivered with base Personify360. Any additions or changes made to the variables' logic (e.g., inclusion/exclusion of a particular product class) delivered with base would require a customization to the stored procedures. For example, if you want to give more weight to annual meeting registrations than webinar meeting registrations, you would have to modify the stored procedure. For more information, please see Refreshing the Overview and Involvement Sections in CRM360.

Although Personify360 provides a breakdown of a constituent's engagement score and you have the ability to set the variable multipliers used for each of the engagement scoring component calculations, it is the responsibility of your organization to determine what is considered a "good score". Each organization will interpret these values differently.



YTD Calculation

Past [n] Years Calculation

Involvement Points

Years of Membership


For fiscal year score, the system adds the number of months of membership for all membership products that are current and active in the primary member group where the end date is greater than fiscal year start date and the begin date is less than or equal to the fiscal year end date, divides by 12 and then multiplies by the value defined for the Years of Membership multiplier.


No credit is given for memberships with a fulfill status of expelled or suspended.


Rounds up as long as there is 1 month of membership.

To calculate points for this activity [n] years back, the system adds the number of months of membership for all membership products that are active and current (based on Order_Detail.CYCLE_BEGIN_DATE and Order_Detail.CYCLE_END_DATE) in the time period from January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) through any date in the future that are/were in the primary member group. That total is then divided by 12, rounded up if there is a fraction of 1/12 or more, and then multiplied by the value defined for the Years of Membership multiplier.


No credit is given for memberships with a fulfill status of expelled or suspended (i.e., Order_Detail.FULFILL_STATUS_CODE is not "D" or "S").


Note that this logic is based on Order_Detail.CYCLE_BEGIN_DATE and CYCLE_END_DATE, not Order_Detail.ORDER_DATE.

Years of Committee Service


For fiscal year score, the system adds the total months of membership for all committee memberships where the end date is greater than fiscal year start date and the begin date is less than or equal to the fiscal year end date, then divides by 12 and multiplies by the value defined for the Years of Committee Service multiplier.

To calculate points for this activity [n] years back, the system adds the total months of membership for all committee memberships where the end date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and the begin date is less than or equal to the year of the current date, then divides by 12 and multiplies by the value defined for the Years of Committee Service multiplier. If the committee end date is null, the end date is assumed to be the last date of the current year.

Volunteer Service


For fiscal year score, the system adds the total number of volunteer jobs to which the customer was assigned where the assignment status equals "ASSIGNED" and the assignment status date falls within the fiscal year and then multiplies by the value defined for the Volunteer Service multiplier.

To calculate points for this activity [n] years back, the system adds the total number of volunteer jobs to which the customer was assigned where the assignment status equals "ASSIGNED" and the assignment status date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and then multiplies by the value defined for the Volunteer Service multiplier.

Abstract Submissions


For fiscal year score, the system adds the number of submissions where the submission date falls within the fiscal year and the external status is not ‘DRAFT’ or ‘WITHDRAWN’ and PRIMARY_AUTHOR_FLAG = ‘Y’, then multiplies by the value defined for the Abstract Submissions multiplier.

To calculate points for this activity [n] years back, the system adds the number of submissions where the submission date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and the external status is not ‘DRAFT’ or ‘WITHDRAWN’ and PRIMARY_AUTHOR_FLAG = ‘Y’, then multiplies by the value defined for the Abstract Submissions multiplier.

Abstract Reviewer


For fiscal year score, the system adds the number of submissions that the customer has been assigned to review where the review date falls within the fiscal year and the assignment status is ‘UNDER_REVIEW’ or ‘COMPLETED’, then multiplies by the value defined for the Abstract Reviewer multiplier.

To calculate points for this activity [n] years back, the system adds the number of submissions the customer has been assigned to review where the review date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and the assignment status is ‘UNDER_REVIEW’ or ‘COMPLETED’, then multiplies by the value defined for the Abstract Reviewer multiplier.

Awards Nominee and Nominations


For fiscal year score, the system adds the number of times that the customer has been an Awards nominee or nominator where the nominee/nomination date falls within the fiscal year and then multiplies by the value defined for the Awards Nominee and Nominations multiplier.

To calculate points for this activity [n] years back, the system adds the number of times the customer has been an Awards nominee or nominator where the nominee/nomination date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and then multiplies by the value defined for the Awards Nominee and Nominations multiplier.

Awards Reviewer


For fiscal year score, the system adds the number of awards nominations that the customer has been assigned to review where the review status date falls within the fiscal year and the assignment status is not "INVITED", "DECLINED", or "WITHDRAWN", then multiplies by the value defined for the Awards Reviewer multiplier.

To calculate points for this activity [n] years back, the system adds the number of awards nominations the customer has been assigned to review where the review status date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and the assignment status is not ‘INVITED’, ‘DECLINED’ or "WITHDRAWN", then multiplies by the value defined for the Awards Reviewer multiplier.

Certification Registrations


For fiscal year score, the system adds the number of certification registrations for the customer where certification status code is not "CANCELLED" or "NOT_APPROVED" and the registration date falls with the fiscal year, then multiplies by the value defined for the Certification Registrations multiplier.

To calculate points for this activity [n] years back, the system adds the number of certification registrations for the customer where certification status code is not "CANCELLED" or "NOT_APPROVED" and the registration date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and then multiplies by the value defined for the Certification Registrations multiplier.


Note that registrations with a status of "EXPIRED" can still be included because the customer should still get involvement points, even though they didn’t finish the certification process in time.

Attendance/Participation in Events and Webinars


For fiscal year score, the system adds the number of meeting registrations for the customer where the order line status is "ACTIVE", the attendance flag is "Y", and the order date falls with the fiscal year and is then multiplied by the value defined for the Attendance/Participation in Events and Webinars multiplier.

To calculate points for this activity [n] years back, the system adds the number of meeting registrations for the customer where the order line status is "ACTIVE" and the attendance flag is "Y" with an order date greater than or equal to January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and then multiplies by the value defined for the Attendance/Participation in Events and Webinars multiplier.

Transaction Points

Membership Dues


For fiscal year score, where the customer is the order line ship-to customer, the system adds the base total amount for all active MBR order lines where fulfill status is not "D" or "S" and the Order Date falls within the fiscal year, then multiplies by the value defined for the Membership Dues multiplier.

To calculate this score for purchases [n] years back, where the customer is the order line ship-to customer, the system adds the base total amount for all active MBR order lines where fulfill status is not "D" or "S" and the Order Date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and then multiplies by the value defined for the Membership Dues multiplier.

Meeting Registrations


For fiscal year score, where the customer is the order line ship-to customer, the system adds the base total amount for all active MTG order lines where the Order Date falls within the fiscal year and then multiplies by the value defined for the Meeting Registrations multiplier.

To calculate this score for purchases [n] years back, where the customer is the order line ship-to customer, the system adds the base total amount for all active MTG order lines where the Order Date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and then multiplies by the value defined for the Meeting Registrations multiplier.

Fundraising Gifts and Pledges


For fiscal year score, where the customer is the ship-to customer, the system adds the base total amount for all active FND order lines for cash, assets, stock, in-kind, and matching gifts where the Order Date falls within the fiscal year and then multiplies by the value defined for the Fundraising Gifts and Pledges multiplier.


For pledges, where the customer is the bill-to customer, the system adds the total amount of pledge orders or pledge payments where the order date or payment date falls within the fiscal year, based on org unit setup that identifies when credit should be given for pledges, and then multiplies by the value defined for the Fundraising Gifts and Pledges multiplier.

To calculate this score for gifts and pledges [n] years back, where the customer is the ship-to customer, the system adds the base total amount for all active FND order lines for cash, assets, stock, in-kind, and matching gifts where the Order Date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and then multiplies by the value defined for the Fundraising Gifts and Pledges multiplier.


For pledges, where the customer is the bill-to customer, the system adds the total amount of pledge orders or pledge payments where the order date or payment date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter), based on org unit setup that identifies when credit should be given for pledges, and then multiplies by the value defined for the Fundraising Gifts and Pledges  multiplier.

Advertising Purchases


For fiscal year score, where the customer is the order line ship-to customer, the system adds the base total amount for all active ADV order lines where the Order Date falls within the fiscal year and then multiplies by the value defined for the Advertising Purchases multiplier.

To calculate this score for purchases [n] years back, where the customer is the order line ship-to customer, the system adds the base total amount for all active ADV order lines where the Order Date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and then multiplies by the value defined for the Advertising Purchases multiplier.

Exhibition Fees


For fiscal year score, where the customer is the order line ship-to customer, the system adds the base total amount for all active XBT order lines where the Order Date falls within the fiscal year and then multiplies by the value defined for the Exhibition Fees multiplier.

To calculate this score for purchases [n] years back, where the customer is the order line ship-to customer, the system adds the base total amount for all active XBT order lines where the Order Date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and then multiplies by the value defined for the Exhibition Fees multiplier.

Inventoried Product Purchases


For fiscal year score, where the customer is the order line ship-to customer, the system adds the base total amount for all active INV order lines where the Order Date falls within the fiscal year and then multiplies by the value defined for the Inventoried Product Purchases multiplier.

To calculate this score for purchases [n] years back, where the customer is the order line ship-to customer, the system adds the base total amount for all active INV order lines where the Order Date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and then multiplies by the value defined for the Inventoried Product Purchases multiplier.



For fiscal year score, the system adds the base total amount for all active order lines for sponsorship products (ADV, MTG, or XBT) where the Order Date falls within the fiscal year and then multiplies by the value defined for the Sponsorships multiplier.

To calculate this score for purchases [n] years back, the system adds the base total amount for all active order lines for sponsorship products (ADV, MTG, and XBT) where the Order Date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and then multiplies by the value defined for the Sponsorships multiplier.

Subscription Purchases


For fiscal year score, where the customer is the order line ship-to customer, the system adds the base total amount for all active SUB order lines where Order Date falls within the fiscal year and then multiplies by the value defined for the Subscription Purchases multiplier.

To calculate this score for purchases [n] years back, where the customer is the order line ship-to customer, the system adds the base total amount for all active SUB order lines where the Order Date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and then multiplies by the value defined for the Subscription Purchases multiplier.

Other Purchases


For fiscal year score, where the customer is the order line ship-to customer, the system adds the base total amount for all active CRT, PCK, ECD, FAC, MISC, and TRN order lines where Order Date falls within the fiscal year and then multiplies by the value defined for the Other Purchases multiplier.

To calculate this score for purchases [n] years back, where the customer is the order line ship-to customer, the system adds the base total amount for all active CRT, PCK, ECD, FAC, MISC, and TRN order lines where the Order Date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and then multiplies by the value defined for the Other Purchases multiplier.

Social Points

Online Social Community


For fiscal year score, the system adds the score defined on the Social Community Scores screen where the MOD date falls within the fiscal year and then multiplies by the value defined for Online Social Community multiplier. In the absence of a MOD date, the ADD date is used.

To calculate this score for social points [n] years back, the system adds the score defined on the Social Community Scores screen where the MOD date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and then multiplies by the value defined for the Online Social Community multiplier. In the absence of a MOD date, the ADD date is used.

Social Community Contributor


For fiscal year score, the system adds the score defined on the Social Community Scores screen where the MOD date falls within the fiscal year and then multiplies by the value defined for the  Social Community Contributor multiplier. In the absence of a MOD date, the ADD date is used.

To calculate this score for social points [n] years back, the system adds the score defined on the Social Community Scores screen where the MOD date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and then multiplies by the value defined for the Social Community Contributor multiplier. In the absence of a MOD date, the ADD date is used.

Social Community Influence


For fiscal year score, the system adds the score defined on the Social Community Scores screen where the add date falls within the fiscal year and then multiplies by the value defined for the Social Community Influence multiplier. In the absence of a MOD date, the ADD date is used.

To calculate this score for social points [n] years back, the system adds the score defined on the Social Community Scores screen where the MOD date is greater than January 1 (of the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) and then multiplies by the value defined for the Social Community Influence multiplier. In the absence of a MOD date, the ADD date is used.