Adding a New Credit Card to a Constituent's Record in CRM360®

If a new credit card is added, the system will check to see if another record exists that appears to be the same as the updated record. The old CUS_CREDIT_CARD, if any, will be deleted. Personify360 will send a new customer profile request to the processor, who will send back a token. When Personify360 receives the new token, it will be recognized as an existing entry in the CUS_CREDIT_CARD_PROFILE table. Personify will leave the existing profile but will update the expiration date, token, etc. if necessary.

If you enter a NEW card and the system detects that it already exists as a saved credit card for the customer (and payment handler and merchant), then the system will update the existing credit card profile record.

To add a new credit card:

1.    From the Financial Data task category in CRM360, click Credit Card Information.
The Saved Credit Cards screen displays.

2.    Click Add.
The fields to the right are enabled, as shown below.

3.    Select the Receipt Type from the drop-down.
Values in the drop-down are populated based on the receipts defined on the Receipt Types & Cash Accounts screen in Organizational Unit Maintenance.

4.    Enter the Card Number.
You do not need to add separators.

To stay compliant with PA-DSS standards, the Personify application cannot store the entire credit card number of a customer in the database. Only the first six and last four digits will be displayed once you save the record.

5.    Select the credit card’s Expiration date from the drop-down.

Whether or not a credit card expiration date can be changed after the record is saved depends on the "ALLOW_EXPIRATION_DATE_CHANGE" parameter of the payment handler. For more information, please see Credit Card Expiration Dates.

6.    If necessary, enter the Security Number of the credit card.
This verification value is a number printed on the back of a Visa, MasterCard, and Discover card, and on the front of an American Express card. The card companies offer this number as an additional "anti-fraud" measure.

As of 7.6.0, if you want to credit card transactions to fail in the back office if no security number (CVV code) is provided with the credit card number, set IGNORE_CVV parameter for your payment handler to "N" and add the "NULL" value to the REJECT_CVV_RESULT_CODES parameter for your payment handler.

7.    The Name field defaults to the constituent's Formatted Label Name. If necessary, change this.

8.    If necessary, enter the Issues Number and select a CC Start Date.

9.    The Credit Card Address defaults to the constituent's primary address. If necessary, change this.

10.  As of 7.6.0, the CardHolder Type, Prepaid Card, Country of Origin, and Affluence Level fields are only populated if you are using Vantiv as your payment handler and you have enabled these features. This data is written to the CCP_Req_Ans table without being validated and the following system types and codes are provided for informational purposes only: AFFLUENT and CARDHOLDER_TYPE.

11.  Click Save.