Creating Individual Products under an Umbrella Product

After you have setup system types and codes for umbrella products, added the Product Review and Product Options screens to your Personify menu, and defined product options and choices (for example, format: hard cover or soft cover), you can create each individual product to be contained under the general umbrella product.


It is a recommended best practice to begin by setting up the individual products before creating the general umbrella product. This process will save you time by immediately allowing you to choose the products to assign to an umbrella product instead of going back and setting up each one and then assigning them individually. Once you have finished creating each individual product, you can proceed to create your general umbrella product.


Umbrella products can only be associated with individual INV, DCD, or SUB products. For more information on creating individual products under an umbrella product, please see:

·            Creating a DCD Product

·            Creating an Inventoried Product

·            Creating a Subscription Product

For individual products within an umbrella product, it is recommended that you include the product option and choice in parentheses at the end of the product name. For example, if you are creating a hard cover journal product to be contained under the general journal subscription umbrella product, the product name might be "Journal Subscription (Hard Cover).

See Also:

·            Overview: Umbrella Products

·            Setting Up Umbrella Products

·            Creating an Umbrella Product