PayPal as a Payment Method

PayPal is an alternative payment option optimized for Internet merchants that you can offer customers during the order process. At checkout, customers authenticate themselves with PayPal using their PayPal login and password, review the order details on PayPal, and confirm the order. Upon order confirmation, the customer is brought back to your site, and you can then authorize and capture the transaction directly with your payment handler.

PayPal as a payment method is only being implemented for web purchases. PayPal payments will not be processed through Operations, although refunds and payment reversals of PayPal payments can be handled in the back office. If an inventoried product purchase is paid for by PayPal, the system will capture the payment immediately, rather than processing it as a deferred receipt, because PayPal payments are only authorized for 29 days, and cannot be reauthorized.

To setup PayPal as a payment method:

1.    Define the PayPal interface parameters.
For more information, please see PayPal Interface Parameters.

2.    Define the PayPal merchant parameters.
For more information, please see PayPal Merchant Parameters.

3.    Create a new receipt type with a Payment Handler of "Paypal Express Checkout", the PayPal checkbox checked, and the Default for New Batch checkbox is checked.
For more information, please Defining Organization Unit Receipt Types and Cash Accounts.


If all of the above steps are complete and if the open E-commerce batch includes a PayPal receipt type, the Pay with PayPal option displays on the Checkout control, Pay Now control, and Pay Open Balances control, as shown below.


Please note that PayPal will not be presented to the web user as an available payment method if any of the following conditions exist:


When the web user opts to make a payment by PayPal, the system will present the web user with a PayPal login screen so the web user can enter their PayPal username and password. When the web user then clicks “Continue” on the PayPal screen, the system will return the web user to the organization’s payment page and PayPal will return the following information:


With this information, the system then gets an authorization for the payment from the payment handler, which is stored in Ccp_Req_Ans in a PRE-SALE or PRE-AUTH record along with the PayPal information. CCP610 will then settle the PRE-SALE authorization.