Step 3: Modifying the Web.Config file

The third step in installing SSO and IMS is a two part step. After completing these instructions, navigate to the Web.Config Settings for Forgotten Passwords section.  

To modify the web.config file:

1.    Open the Web.Config of the SSO site.

2.    Add the following under <connectionStrings>:
<add name="IMSConnectionString " connectionString="xxxx;Database=SSO_DEMOQA;uid=SSO;pwd=SSO;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

3.    Add the following under <appSettings>:
<add key="VendorUsername " value="TIMSS" />
<add key="VendorIdentifier " value="7" />
<add key="VendorPassword " value="10BB61615AF73164F1F9B9AC9655439C" />
<add key="VendorBlock" value="3E918C58FB082D1B168F0D2B38830F38" />
<add key="SSOWebReferenceURL" value="" />
<add key="IMSWebReferenceURL" value="" />
<add key="EnableSSO" value="Y" />
<add key="EnableIMS" value="Y" />
<add key="LoginMode" value="INLINE" />
<add key="SSOLoginURL" value="" />
<add key="SSO_BASE_URL" value="" />

<add key="SSO.FailedPasswordAttemptCount" value="3"/>

<add key="SSO.FailedPasswordAttemptWindow" value="5"/>

4.    Click Save.


The table below describes the line of code and its function.

Line of Code


<add name="IMSConnectionString " connectionString="xxxx;Database=SSO_DEMOQA;uid=SSO;pwd=SSO;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Connection string to SSO database

<add key="SSOWebReferenceURL" value="" />

SSO Web service URL

<add key="IMSWebReferenceURL" value="" />

IMS Web Service URL

<add key="EnableSSO" value="Y" />

Always set to Y.

<add key="EnableIMS" value="Y" />

Always set to Y.

<add key="LoginMode" value="INLINE" />

Choose from Login Mode = "INLINE" or "REDIRECT". For REDIRECT, the user is redirected to the SSO Web Site for Login. For INLINE, the DNN Module Personify – Login Module is responsible for logging the user in.

<add key="SSOLoginURL" value="" />

Login URL of the SSO web site.

<add key="SSO_BASE_URL" value="" />

Base URL of the SSO web site.

<add key="SSO.FailedPasswordAttemptCount" value="3"/>

As of 7.6.2, the number defined for this value indicates the number of login attempts allowed before the user will be locked.

The message that displays is configured in the SSOMessages.resx resource file.

<add key="SSO.FailedPasswordAttemptWindow" value="5"/>

As of 7.6.2, the number defined for this value indicates the number in minutes in which the user is locked. When this time passes, the failed login attempt count will reset to 0 and the user can attempt to log in again with a valid username/password.

The message that displays is configured in the SSOMessages.resx resource file.

If your association currently runs on IIS 7, you must also go to the bottom of the web.config XML file and add the following line of code to the <httpModules> section:

<add name="SSOLoginManager" type="SSOAuthentication, Personify.SSOAuthentication" preCondition="managedHandler" />