Transferring an Order

Transferring an order/line is different from transferring a receipt. For information on transferring receipts, please see Receipt Transfers.

An order can be transferred to a new ship-to customer, to a different product, and/or to a new order. An order may be transferred to a new ship-to customer, for example, if a company purchases a membership for an employee and the employee leaves. The company can then transfer the membership to a new employee. Although the Unit Price will be prorated, since the membership is already paid for, the Remaining Order Balance will be zero. When an order is transferred to a new ship-to customer, the original line item Line Status will be “Cancelled”, the Fulfill Status will be “Transfer”, and a new line item will be added to the order with the newly added ship-to customer.


An order may be transferred to a new product, for example, if a student graduates from college and, therefore, needs to transfer from a student membership to an individual membership. Or a customer may want to transfer to a higher level membership to receive better benefits, such as associate member to full member. When an order is transferred to a different product, the original line item Line Status will be “Active”, the Fulfill Status will be “Transfer”, and a new line item will be added to the order with the newly added product.


An order may be transferred to a new order, for example, if a customer’s company pays for a membership and the customer wants to upgrade, the customer may have to pay for the membership themself. When an order is transferred to a new order, a new order is created and will be displayed when the Order Transfer screen is closed. The original order will displays a Line Status of “Active” and a Fulfill Status of “Transfer”.

As of 7.4.1SP1, if you transfer a meeting registration from one customer to another, if a meeting badge exists, the Order_Detail_Badge will also be transferred.

For more information on transfers, please see Transferring a Membership, Transferring a Meeting Registration, or Transferring a Subscription.

Transfer with Payment Schedules

If the order line you're transferring has a payment schedule with an Auto Pay Method of "Direct Debit", the system evaluates Order_Detail_EFT_Info for the order line being transferred and determines the following:

·            If the "Prenote Required" checkbox is selected on the Payment Schedule screen and the Prenote Date is not null, then the "Prenote Required" checkbox will NOT be selected on the new transferred order.

·            If the "Prenote Required" checkbox is selected on the Payment Schedule screen and the Prenote Date is null, then the "Prenote Required" checkbox will be selected on the new transferred order.

·            If the "Prenote Required" checkbox is NOT selected on the Payment Schedule screen, then the "Prenote Required" checkbox will NOT be selected on the new transferred order.


If you transfer the order line to a new product and the order line contains a partially paid payment schedule, the system will distribute the whole amount to schedules when schedule is regenerated. Payment and write-offs will be applied thereafter. After payment is applied, if there is a price adjustment, discount, etc., the adjustment is applied on the line difference between the old actual total and new actual total. The payment will be distributed between the pending lines per the following formula: newactualdueamout=oldactualdueamout+(oldactualdueamout*100/Pendingamount before adjustment).

As of 7.5.2, if a receipt or a receipt transfer updates the payment status to PAID on a rejected scheduled payment, and if the Cus_EFT_Info.BANK_ACCOUNT_STATUS_CODE = ‘COLLECTION_FAILED’ for the bank account used for the rejected EFT payment, the system will present a dialog to the user asking if the the customer’s bank account status be updated to “GOOD”. If the user selects Yes, the system will update Cus_Eft_Info. BANK_ACCOUNT_STATUS_CODE to ‘GOOD’ for that bank account for that customer.