a video demonstration, refer to Video Demo: Transferring
a Membership.
To transfer a membership:
1. From the Order Entry screen, select the appropriate line item.
2. From the Work with
Line Items task category, click Transfer the Item.
The Order Transfer screen displays, as shown below.
3. To transfer the membership to a new ship-to customer, perform the following:
a. Check the Xfer to New Ship-To checkbox.
b. Click
the New Ship-To ID link.
The Customer Chooser displays.
c. Search for and select the appropriate customer.
d. If you
want to create a brand new order when you transfer the membership to a
new ship-to customer, check the Xfer
to New Order checkbox. If left unchecked, the new order lines will
be added to the existing order.
The Bill-To = Ship-To checkbox
displays and checked by default.
e. If necessary, uncheck the Bill-To = Ship-To checkbox.
f. If necessary,
uncheck the Reset Initial Start checkbox.
By default, this checkbox is checked when the order is transferred to a
new ship-to customer. Checking this checkbox will set the start date to
the Transfer Date in the New Order section.
4. To transfer the membership to a product, perform the following:
a. Check the Xfer to Product checkbox.
As of 7.5.0,
when the "Xfer to Product" checkbox is checked, in the New Order
section, the Create as Full-Term Order checkbox
displays. See below for more information.
b. Click
the Product Code link.
The Product Chooser displays.
c. Search for and select the appropriate product.
d. If you want to create a brand new order when you transfer the membership to a new product, check the Xfer to New Order checkbox. If left unchecked, the new order lines will be added to the existing order.
e. If you checked the "Xfer to New Order" checkbox, the Bill-To = Ship-To checkbox displays and checked by default. If necessary, uncheck this checkbox.
5. If necessary, select the Reset Initial Start checkbox to set the start date to the Transfer Date in the New Order section.
6. If
any order lines have a market code, the Copy
Market Code checkbox is checked by default. If necessary, uncheck
this checkbox if you do not want to copy the market code to the transfer
to order. If any order lines have an expired market code, the system will
display an error and will not copy the market code to the transfer to
order. If no order lines being transferred have a market code, this checkbox
will be unchecked and disabled.
As of 7.4.2, this checkbox is enabled if there is an active market code
associated with the transfer-from order line. Additionally, if the market
code has one or more subsystems and/or one or more products defined for
it (in Mkt_Market_Detail), the transfer-to order line must have a product
that matches the subsystem or product defined for the market code. If
the market code is copied to the transfer-to order line, if a discount
is associated with the market code, and if the order line qualifies for
the discount, the discount is applied to the transfer-to order line.
7. As of 7.6.1, the Copy Discount checkbox will be enabled if a discount exists on the order line being transferred if the discount is still active. If the discount being copied is not a manual discount, the order line created when the original order line is transferred must qualify for the discount. If the transfer is being prorated, the discount will also be prorated.
8. From the Original Order section, the following information is read-only:
· Begin Date: indicates the membership start date.
· End Date: indicates the membership end date.
· Currency: as of 7.5.2, indicates the currency on the order.
· Prorate: as of 7.5.2, indicates whether the transfer-from order line will be prorated. This checkbox gets its value from the Prorate checkbox in the “New Order” section (see below). Please note that if you want to prorate the new order, the original order will also be prorated.
9. From the New Order section, define the following applicable information:
a. By default, the Transfer Date is set to today’s date. If necessary, select a different new order transfer date.
b. By default, the New End Date is set to the end date of the original order. Review the new end date for any necessary changes.
If a grace
date exists, it will recalculate according to the New End Date or new
c. As of 7.5.2, if the "Xfer to New Order" checkbox is checked, the Currency drop-down is enabled. If necessary, change the currency. Please note that you can only change the currency if the product has NOT been defined in locked currency via the "Currency Code" drop-down on the General Setup screen in Product Maintenance.
d. As of 7.5.2, if the transfer-to order line should be prorated, check the Prorate checkbox. Please note that as of 7.6.1, the Prorate checkbox will be checked regardless of the original order line's rate code setup (i.e., the "Prorated Amount" checkbox is checked on the Rates and Pricing screen in Product Maintenance). However, if the "Prorated Amount" checkbox is checked on the Rates and Pricing screen in Product Maintenance for the original order line's rate code, this checkbox will be disabled and cannot be changed.
e. As of 7.5.0, if the "Xfer to Product" checkbox is checked, in the New Order section, the Create as Full-Term Order checkbox displays. By default, a transfer of a membership order to a new product will still keep the end date of the transfer-from order line. However, if this checkbox is checked, the system will allow the user to create the new order as a full-term order. When unchecked, on transfer-from (source) order line, the Cycle Begin Date stays the same and the Cycle End Date is set to transfer date minus one day. On transfer-to (target) order line, the Cycle Begin Date is set to transfer date and the Cycle End Date stays the same as the original order. When checked, the system will calculate the end date of the transfer-to order based on the transfer date and the end date mask of the transfer-to product.
f. If the membership order line is being transferred to a new product after a renewal has been created, the system will delete the proforma order line in the renewal order for the transfer-from product. As of 7.5.0, check the Add New Product to Renewal checkbox if you want the system to create the new product in the renewal order as proforma. The new product will NOT be created in a new order; rather, it will be created as a line in the existing renewal order.
g. As of 7.5.0, if the product to be used on the transfer-to order line is defined to "Allow Price Update" on the General Setup screen in Product Maintenance, and if the price to be created for the transfer-to order line is zero, enter the Price to be set on the transfer-to order line.
If you do
NOT enter a price in this field, the system will default the line status
to “Active” if the "Allow Price Update" checkbox on the General
Setup screen in Product Maintenance of transfer-to product is checked.
10. From the New Rate Information section, if necessary, select a different Rate Structure and Rate Code.
11. If any sublines exist for the current order, they will be displayed on the Additional Line(s) on Original Order tab. By default, all sublines are selected to be transferred. If necessary, uncheck the checkbox in the Transfer column. The following information displays in the Order Totals section:
· Product Total
· Paid Less Refunded
· Actual Recognized For Service: indicates the amount of revenue that has been recognized.
· Remaining to be Recognized: indicates the amount remaining to be recognized. If FAR670 has NOT been run for the month and the order line is being transferred after the 15th of the month but before the end of the month, there will be a small amount remaining to be recognized.
· Credit Transfer
· Remaining Order Balance
12. Click Preview Order.
13. Click Save.
As of 7.5.0, when the system creates the new, transfer-to order line(s),
the system sets the line status based on the default line status defined
for the org unit, and the system respects short-pay rules. If the short-pay
rule is AR and some portion of the payment from the original order line
is transferred to the new order line, the order line in the new order
line will be activated. If the short-pay rule is reject, the line will
stay proforma until the full payment is applied. If the user has not entered
a value in the “Price” field when the product on the transfer-to order
line is defined to allow direct price update and if the price on the transfer-to
order line will be $0 because of the rate structure and rate code to be
used, the system will display the following message: “One or more order
lines to be created contain products with a price of $0 that have been
defined to allow direct price update. If you don’t want an active order
line to be created with a price of $0, please enter a price for the order
14. As of 7.5.2, if the
original membership product being transferred was the requirement for
a certification earned by the customer, the system will display the following
message asking if you want to update the certification expiration date
or leave it as is. Select the appropriate option and click Ok.
15. Click Close.