Shipping Maintenance

The Shipping Maintenance screen maintains order and shipping information for a warehouse to accommodate the tracking of inventory. The screen lists orders of various types including Orders with No Packing Slip, Orders with Packing Slip but not Invoiced, Orders Ready for Shipment, and Orders Shipped. This screen should be used to manually ship small amounts of order. Alternatively, use the Packing Slip Generation - INV620 process to print packing slips in mass to send to your distribution center, and then use the Shipping Import Process - INV610 process to mark the orders as shipped automatically.

As of 7.4.2, when a non-inventoried INV product has inventoried INV product(s) as components, and when one or more of the component products is shipped through the Shipping Maintenance (INV200) screen, the Fulfill Status of the non-inventoried INV product linked to warehouse will be set to "S" (shipped) if it is not already "P" or "S". If the non-inventoried INV product has one or more INV products as components, and is not linked to a warehouse, when one or more of the component products is shipped through the Shipping Maintenance (INV200) screen, the Fulfill Status of the non-inventoried INV product not linked to a warehouse will be set to "P" (pre-shipped) if it is not already "P" or "S".

Before you can run the INV610 process, define the shipping import mapping.

When you perform an action on this screen that changes the Fulfill Status or Line Status value (such as clicking “Generate Packing Slip,” “Print Invoice,” “Mark as Shipped,” or “Generate Invoice and Mark as Shipped”), the system reauthorizes the highlighted order based on the CCP_AUTH_HOLD_PERIOD merchant parameter and the STOP_SHIPPING_ON_REJECT system parameter settings. If the reauthorization is successful, then the order will ship successfully. If the reauthorization is unsuccessful, then the Fulfill Status changes to “Hold” and you must manually change this status to continue.

From the Shipping Maintenance screen, there is NO way to tell if an order has been paid.

Although the Shipping Maintenance screen offers extensive functionality regarding shipping orders, the Manually Shipping a Typical Inventoried Product Order section takes you step-by-step through the process of manually shipping orders from the Shipping Maintenance screen. The following additional task can be performed as necessary:

·            Generate Picklist
A shipping person will reference the pick list while gathering all the inventoried products from the warehouse bins and bring them to the packaging work area to be matched with the appropriate packing slip. From the Orders with NO Packing Slip tab, select the appropriate orders and click the Generate Picklist button to generate a picklist report. Then, you should click the Generate Packing Slip button to ensure that the products you gather for the orders also have a packing slip ready.

·            Regenerate a Picklist
From the Orders Ready for Shipment or Orders Shipped tabs, click the Regenerate Picklist button to print the picklist report for additional reference.

·            Generate Packing Slip
Once you have printed the picklist and gathered the products for the orders selected on the Orders with NO Packing Slip tab, click the Generate Packing Slip button to print the packing slip report to insert with product in the shipping box.

·            Regenerate Packing Slip
If you happen to misplace or destroy the packing slips, from the Orders With Packing Slips - but NOT Invoiced or Orders Ready for Shipment tabs, click
Regenerate Packing Slip to print an additional packing slip report. From the Orders Shipped tab, click the Regenerate Packing Slip button to print the packing slip report for additional reference.

·            Generate an Invoice
Depending on your association policy, orders could be shipped before payment is received. If not, then click Generate Invoice, verify that payment has not been received, and contact the customer regarding payment.

·            Generate Invoice and Mark as Shipped
If your association does not allow orders to be shipped with payment, from Orders With Packing Slips - but NOT Invoiced tab, you can click the Generate Invoice and Mark as Shipped.

·            Reprint Invoice
From the Orders Shipped tab, click Reprint Invoice to print an additional copy of the invoice report. For example, if the order has been shipped but still has a remaining balance, you can print the invoice and contact the customer.

·            Print Invoice
From the Orders with NO Packing Slip tab, click Print Invoice to print a copy of the invoice report to contact customers regarding a remaining balance before packing slips are printed and the order is shipped.

·            Print Label
This has not been implemented.

·            Mark as Shipped
From the Orders Ready for Shipment tab, click the Mark as Shipped button for order in which you clicked Generate Invoice, as opposed to Generate Invoice and Mark as Shipped.

·            Mark as Back Order
After you have generated the picklist and gathered the products for orders, if there are not enough items on the shelf for an order, select the order and click Mark as Back Order on the Orders with NO Packing Slip, Orders With Packing Slips - but NOT Invoiced, and/or Orders Ready for Shipment  tabs.

While gathering the products, if there are not enough items on the shelf to fully complete an order, you can change the Shipped quantity on the Orders with NO Packing Slip tab. For example, if an order is for 5 products and there are only 3 products left, change the quantity in the Shipped column to 3. A prompt will display asking if you want to place the rest of the order on back-order. If you select "Yes", the order will split into two lines: one for the quantity that will be shipped and one for the quantity placed on back-order. If you do so, DO NOT click the Mark as Back Order button again.