INV620 – Packing Slips and Pick List Generation

This batch process checks to see if an inventoried product is available for shipment. If so, depending on your INV620 parameters, the process generates the product’s packing slip, finalizes shipping, and generates an invoice. INV620 is the process that is used to fulfill component Inventory products.


If the credit card authorization date has passed, INV620 attempts to reauthorize the credit card. If the credit card is still valid, the reauthorization will be successful and will include the orders on the report. If the credit card is no longer valid (e.g., credit card expiration date has passed), the re-authorization will NOT be successful and the INV product order line will be updated to a Line Status of 'Held' with the Deferred Receipt zeroed out. Reauthorization failures are displayed in the INV620PreAuthErrors report and a packing slip will not be generated. These failures must be manually corrected through contact with the customer on the Receipt Analysis screen. If the customer has a credit card on file, you should also update this information on the Saved Credit Cards screen in CRM360® in order to not affect future orders.


As of 7.6.1, for organizations using Vantiv as their payment handler, INV620 checks the PROCESS_EXPIRED_CC merchant parameter to determine whether expired credit cards should be selected for processing. If the credit card defined for an inventory product order line has expired, if the PROCESS_EXPIRED_CC merchant parameter is set to "N", INV620 will not select order lines with expired credit cards that are due to be paid. Ccp_Req_Ans.REJECT_REASON will be filled with “Credit card is expired.” Ccp_Req_Ans.ERROR_CODE will be set to 24 for Verisign, 202 for Cybersource, and 305 for Vantiv. If the PROCESS_EXPIRED_CC merchant parameter is set to "Y", INV620 will transmit credit card payments to Vantiv even if the credit card is expired. When Vantiv returns the authorization request response, if the organization is using Vantiv’s "Account Updater" service, the response file will include the updated credit card expiration date, as well as any other changes that may have been made to the credit card, such as change of name, change of credit card number or change of credit card type.


As of 7.4.2, if the system cannot process an INV order because of insufficient available inventory, INV620 will continue to process successfully for other orders and the INV620Errors - Other Order Processing Exceptions report (see sample below) will display those INV orders which failed during shipping. The INV620Error report displays the order line number, product code, and error reason code.

As of 7.4.2, the system will automatically ship the parent line when the last child component line is shipped and the parent line Fulfill Status is not "S", "P", or "L".

As of 7.4.2, when a non-inventoried INV product has inventoried INV product(s) as components, and when one or more of the component products is shipped through the Shipping Maintenance (INV200) screen, the Fulfill Status of the non-inventoried INV product linked to warehouse will be set to "S" (shipped) if it is not already "P" or "S". If the non-inventoried INV product has one or more INV products as components, and is not linked to a warehouse, when one or more of the component products is shipped through the Shipping Maintenance (INV200) screen, the Fulfill Status of the non-inventoried INV product not linked to a warehouse will be set to "P" (pre-shipped) if it is not already "P" or "S".

A non-inventoried product that is not connected to a warehouse will default to preshipped and therefore will not be picked up by the INV620.  If you want the INV620 process to pick up a non-inventoried product, you need to assign it to a bin of a warehouse and then the status will default to not fulfilled instead.

If deferred receipt(s) exist and the receipt number on the deferred receipt is not null, INV620 will consider it a real receipt. Deferred receipts with no receipt number are actual scheduled payments and would be shown under scheduled future payments.

The following diagram provides an overview of the INV620 process:


This batch process generates the following reports (see below for sample reports):

·            INV620PickList: lists all products references for all orders for the selected run.

·            INV620PackingSlip: generates a report in which each page contains the products ordered and their quantity.

·            INV620BadAddress: lists all the orders in which the ship-to or bill-to customer's address is bad. No packing slips would have been generated for orders where the ship-to address is bad. .

·            INV620Invoice: generates a report in which each page contains an invoice for each order.

·            INV620PreAuthError: displays orders where a reauthorization was attempted because the previous authorization has expired and the reauthorization failed.


Additional parameters were added in the 7.2.1 release to accommodate Address Change Service functionality. Please see Address Change Service for more information.






The Organization ID for which you want to run the report.


Organization Unit

The Organization Unit ID for which you want to run the report.


Sub Title

Alphanumeric. Enter a subtitle, which would appear below the report heading within the title of the report.


Finalize Shipping and Invoice

·       Y – marks fulfill status of orders as “Shipped” and generates an invoice number and GL distribution.

·       N – fulfill status of orders remains “L,” which indicates a Packing Slip was generated for the order; however, the order did not ship.


Generate Packing Slips

·       Y – generates the Packing Slip.

·       N – does not generate the Packing Slip.


Generate Pick List

·       Y – generates the Pick List.

·       N – does not generate the Pick List.


Shipping Date

Date to use as Fulfill Date, Invoice Date, Ship Date (if Finalize Shipping parameter is “Y”). If left blank, the system date is used.


Run Mode

Mode in which the report runs:

·       EDIT – prints the report.

·       PROD – prints the report and updates the database tables.


Note Line 1, 2, 3, 4

Additional notes printed on the Packing Slip.


Use Address Change Service

·       Y =  the labels are printed with ACS Format having Intelligent Mail Barcode, and the process makes sure the appropriate values are set for the Barcode Identifier, Service Type Identifier, and Mailer ID parameters. The width of the label also increases by one row.

·       N = the ACS format is ignored and the label is printed without the barcode.


Barcode Identifier

A two-digit value that indicates the degree of pre-sorting this mail piece received before being presented for mail delivery.


Service Type Identifier

A three-digit value representing both the class of the mail (such as first-class, standard mail, or periodical), and any services requested by the sender.


Mailer ID

A six or nine-digit number assigned by the USPS that identifies the specific business sending the mailing. Higher volume mailers are eligible to receive six-digit Mailer IDs, which have a larger range of sequence numbers associated with them; lower volume mailers will receive nine-digit Mailer IDs. To make it possible to distinguish six-digit IDs from nine-digit IDs, all six-digit IDs begin with a digit between 0 and 8, inclusive, while all nine-digit IDs begin with the digit 9.


Advanced Job Parameter

Sort Order

Sort criteria applicable for Packing Slips only. You can sort fields from INV620_VW. Specify fields in the format ViewName.FieldName.

For example, INV620_VW.Order_no.



Reduces the record selection further based on the SQL statement entered. Located under the Advanced Job Parameter tab. Restrict fields to those from INV620_VW. Specify fields in the format ViewName.FieldName.

For example, INV620_VW.Order_no = '0000000000'.


Sample Report




INV620BadAddress - Bad Address Report

INV620Errors - Other Order Processing Exceptions