Configuring the Web Settings for the Meeting Registration Control

This section discusses the web settings required for a meeting to display on the Meeting Registration control. For information on back office settings, see Configuring Back Office Settings for Meeting Registration.


In addition, this is NOT a standalone control, which means that in order for it to function, it needs to be incorporated into the Meetings workflow on the web. For more information, refer to the Standalone .NET Web Controls section.

If you are using both the Register Myself and Register Someone Else workflows, you only need to drop the Meeting Control onto one page and configure the control settings once. Both workflows use the same control. In order for web users to be able to complete the Register Someone Else workflow, the Allow Registrant to Register Others and Display Registrants Contact Info checkboxes must be checked in the back office on the eBusiness Control screen for the particular meeting product. For more information, please see Configuring Back Office Settings for the Registrant Selection Step.

As of 7.6.2, this control can be configured to be responsive to mobile users. For more information about using this control on a responsive page, please see Configuring Responsive CSS for the Login Page.

To configure the Meeting Registration control:

1.    Add the "MtgRegWizard" control to your page. For more information, please see Adding a .NET Web Control to a Page.
The Control Settings for this control display, as shown below. For additional information about each parameter, please see the table at the end of this topic.

2.    Configure the control settings, as necessary. See below for a detailed description of each setting.

3.    Click Save.



Additional CSS Class for Control

This option allows you to add additional layout to the skin by developing a new DOTNETNUKE style, which requires an advanced understanding of HTML and CSS.

Cancel URL

You should set the PWF parameter to a value (e.g., MTG_REG_CANCEL) that will take the constituent to that URL in DNN when he/she clicks Cancel. If this PWF parameter does not exist or you would like to create a new one, see Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

Error Message

The error message will display on the control for the action that was being performed at the time of the error. If left blank, the default error message, "An error occurred while performing [Insert Action]. If the problem persists, please contact the site administrator", will display. [Insert Action] will be substituted with the action the control was performing at the time of the error. If you wish to change the default error message, customize it with a PWF Parameter. See Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

Login URL

You should set the PWF parameter to a value (e.g., LoginUrl) that will take the constituent to that URL in DNN when he/she logs in as a user. If this PWF parameter does not exist or you would like to create a new one, see Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

Pay Now Page URL

You should set the PWF parameter to the Pay Now page's URL when the web user clicks Pay Now button. See Setting up PWF Parameters to learn more about these parameters and why your website's redirect URLs are managed there.

The Pay Now button will only display on this page for free products, if the user is logged into your website, and if the Pay Now Enable Flag checkbox is checked in the web settings of the Product Detail control. When logged in users click the Pay Now button, in order for the system to process their order, the Pay Now Page URL field on this control, must be set to the page that contains the Pay Now control.

ProductId URL Parameter

Enter "productid". This is the default name of the parameter to read the product’s ID, but if the environment's redirection logic uses a different Query String name, set it here. See Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

Related Products Section Description

This description displays on the Additional Information step in the Meeting Registration workflow. If there are any related products associated with the selected meeting, web users will see this description below the Related Products Section Title, as highlighted below.

Related Products Section Title

This title displays on the Additional Information step in the Meeting Registration workflow. This title will display above any related products associated with a meeting, and the Related Products Section Description you entered in the previous step, as highlighted below.

Reset Password URL

You should set the PWF parameter to a value (e.g., ForgotPasswordURL) that will take the constituent to that URL in DNN when he/she clicks Reset Password. If this PWF parameter does not exist or you would like to create a new one, see Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

Session Description

This description displays on the Select Session step of the Meeting Registration workflow. If there are any sessions for a web user to select from, this description will display below the Session Title, as highlighted below.

Session Details URL

You should set the PWF parameter to a value (e.g., SimpleSessionDetailURL) that will take the constituent to that URL in DNN when he/she selects a session. If this PWF parameter does not exist or you would like to create a new one, see Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

Session Title

This title will display above the list of sessions related to a meeting (if applicable), and the Session Description.

Show All Sessions By Default

As of 7.6.0, check this checkbox if you want to display all sessions for a meeting in the meeting registration workflow. It is recommended that you leave this checkbox unchecked if you have a large amount of sessions for your meetings. When unchecked, the system will only display the first day's sessions by default and the web user will have to filter to see the remaining days' sessions.

Back office settings still apply for the session. You are just choosing to display ALL sessions or just the first day's sessions. See Select Sessions Back Office Settings for additional information.

User Already Exists and Cannot be Created Message

As of 7.6.0, if the system is setup to NOT allow duplicate customers, this message will display if a duplicate customer is found in the system when the user is registering. By default, this is set to "If you believe you are not in our system, please contact our Customer Support Center." For more information, please see Duplicate Customers on the Web.

View Cart Page URL

You should set the PWF parameter to a value (e.g. ShoppingCart) that will take the constituent to that URL in DNN when he/she clicks Go to Cart and Checkout.
If this PWF parameter does not exist or you would like to create a new one, see Setting up PWF Parameters for instructions on adding a PWF Parameter.

View Registration URL

You should set the PWF parameter to a value (e.g., Viewregistration) that will take the constituent to that URL in DNN when he/she clicks View Registration.
If this PWF parameter does not exist or you would like to create a new one, see Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

Workflow Id Parameter Name

Enter WFId. This is the default parameter value. If this PWF parameter does not exist or you would like to create a new one, see Setting up PWF Parameters for instructions on adding a PWF Parameter.

Workflow Name Parameter Name

Enter WfName. This is the default parameter value. If this PWF parameter does not exist or you would like to create a new one, see Setting up PWF Parameters for instructions on adding a PWF Parameter.

The Workflow ID provides a way to segregate meeting related items from the Shopping Cart page for Pay Now functionality. There are currently the following two approaches when someone is paying for a meeting:
Pay Now – only displays meetings and sessions added and displays the price.
Check Out – displays everything in the Shopping Cart including meetings and sessions.

Typically, you do not have to change the Workflow Id Parameter Name field and Workflow Name Parameter Name field, because the above default values usually work. Since Personify360's controls can live in multiple Content Management Systems (CMS), you have the option to change the name of these parameters using the Workflow Id Parameter Name and Workflow Name Parameter Name fields, because there is a chance that the CMS is not using the same query string parameters as the defaults.