Chapter Management Reports Overview

Leveraging the Report control, which was released in 7.5.1, chapter managers have the ability to run reports on the web in order to manage chapter health. Please note that you can configure the Report control to run any Crystal or Webi report on the web, but base is delivered with five out-of-the-box reports specific to Chapter Management. How you configure the control determines what information is pulled into the report. In addition, the Report control is not tethered to Chapter Management; however, the following reports are:

·            Analysis of Chapter Health - MBR1016

·            Chapter Members Nearing Expiration -MBR1012

·            National Members Nearing Expiration - MBR1013

·            New Chapter Members -MBR1014

·            Officers- MBR1015

The reports can be in any public folder as long as the user running the report has access to that location.

See Also:

·            Overview: Report Control for Group Management

·            Overview: Report Control

·            Configuring the Web Settings for the Report Control