The second step in the membership join process is reviewing membership options, such as subscription benefits, free components, and zip-linked chapters. These details reinforce the value of membership. If you do not have zip-linked chapters, free components, or subscription benefits, they will not display on this step of the process; only the name of the membership, image, and short description will display. This is also the step in the join process where the user can select a different rate code, if desired. As rates are selected, the list of benefits may change. This control will show the best available rate structure for the main membership line and chapter, and the prorate discount will appear only when there is some automatic discount on the order.
The Membership Join Options control is also comprised of the following individual controls:
· Membership Zip Linked Chapter
configuring the membership join process, one page on your e-Business site
should be created for the second step (reviewing membership options) with
the Membership
Join Options Control dropped onto it. Please note that the Membership
Detail, Membership
Zip Linked Chapter, and Membership Benefits are
automatically included as part of the Membership Join
Options Control and no additional configuration is needed for those
controls. They are only offered as separate controls in case you want
to incorporate them into a customized process.
For more information on how to configure this control, please see Configuring the Web Settings for the Membership Join Options Control.
After setting up the Membership Join Options control, your web users will a page similar to the one displayed below.