The third step in the online membership join process allows your organization to display special interest groups (SIGs) and is where you suggest donations to your constituents. The Make a Bigger Impact control is also comprised of the following individual controls:
configuring the membership join process, one page on your e-Business site
should be created for the third step (make a bigger impac) with the Make a Bigger Impact
Control dropped onto it. Please
note that the Membership
Contributions and Special
Interests Groups controls are automatically
included as part of the Make
a Bigger Impact Control and no additional configuration is needed
for those controls. They are only offered as separate controls in case
you want to incorporate them into a customized process.
For more information on how to configure this control, please see Configuring the Web Settings for the Make a Bigger Impact Control.
After setting up the Make a Bigger Impact control, web users will see a page similar to the one displayed below.