DCD PDF Viewer Control Overview

As of 7.6.1, the ability to view and print digital content in the file format of PDF that a constituent has purchased has been added.


When PDF digital content is set up in the back office with the View checkbox checked within the Access Settings, an online user will be able to view the content without downloading using new content viewers. Additionally, if the Allow Print During View checkbox is checked within the Access Settings, a Print link will display within the viewer when an online user accesses the content.


After purchasing PDF content, the online user will be able to access the digital content using the Digital Content Access control within their Profile. Clicking the title link within the Digital Content Access control will open the appropriate viewer based on the content type of the digital content.

When viewing content, if the copyright pop up appears the user must either click Agree or close the browser tab or click the browser’s back button if they do not agree to the copyright terms. The user will not be able to access the page unless they agree to the copyright terms.

The PDF Viewer streams content from the source host. In order to do so, the servers hosting the content must support and enable byte range http requests, http response headers, cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), and the MIME type for the .PDF file name extension. For more information on how to configure such settings in IIS, please refer to the Personify360 Installation Guide.

The viewer control requires a modern web browser that supports HTML5/CSS3. This includes Internet Explorer 9 and later, Microsoft Spartan (in Windows 10), latest Firefox, latest Chrome (both desktop and mobile), and latest Safari (both desktop and mobile).

For information on the web settings for the DCD PDF Viewer Control, please see Configuring the Web Settings for the DCD PDF Viewer Control.

Customer Impact

Once the control settings have been set and an online user clicks to view their purchased digital content, the content will display within the control as shown below.