Uploading DCD Files

The Digital Content Maintenance task is where you actually upload the product you are selling. This screen allows you to upload the DCD product, create a description of the product, create copyright information, etc.

Since Personify360 allows you to add more than one file per DCD product, on your e-Business website the “Add to Cart” button will not be available from the Product Listing. Your customers must view the DCD product’s Product Detail screen and select which files they want to download before adding the product to their shopping cart.

To upload digital content:

1.    From the Personify360 main toolbar, select Products > Product Central.
The Product Maintenance search screen displays.

2.    Click Search to find a product or click Create New Product.

3.    From the Product Definition task category or Subsystem Specific, click Digital Content Maintenance.
The Digital Content Maintenance screen displays, as shown below.

4.    From the Files Available Through this Product Code section, click Add Content.
A new line is added to the grid and the Digital Content Details section becomes active.

You can add multiple lines to the grid if you want to offer multiple DCD files as a package. You create one DCD product and add DCD files as components of this product. For example, if you want to offer multiple e-Learning Audio seminars as one DCD product, you can add all the audio files here. The web user would be charged for the one DCD product and would receive multiple files; however, if you want to charge your web user for each DCD file, you would set them up as separate products.

If the component DCD products have the same license agreement, you should only check the Display Copyright checkbox for the first DCD file. However, if you have different license agreements for a few of the component DCD files, make sure they are listed at the beginning of the Files Available Through this Product Code section, because if not, on the web if it the DCD file is listed farther down the list with a license agreement, it will display as a View More link to your web user.  

5.    Select the Source from the drop-down.

There are two sources currently available: File and URL. If you select URL as the source, the Type should be set to 'OTHER' and the URL text should be entered in the File Name field.

6.    Select the Type from the drop-down.

7.    Click the Upload File link.
The Open window displays. Search for and open the digital file you want to add as part of the product. You can upload a file of any type. It is recommended that you create separate, specific codes for each type to ensure files are labeled accurately. The size of the file will be restricted by the MAXFILEUPLOADSIZE application parameter.

8.    Enter the Title in the text box.

9.    Click Edit Text to the right of the Description text box.
The HTML Editor Dialog window opens. Enter a description of this digital file and click OK.

10.  Select the Available From date for this file.

11.  If necessary, enter the Available To date for this file.

12.  If you want copyright information to display along with the DCD file, you can set the copyright information from the Digital Rights Management Copyright Acknowledgement section.
As a best practice, if you have component DCD fields that have the same license agreement, only enable the copyright information for the first component DCD file, as shown below.

However, if you have different license agreements for a few of the component DCD files, make sure they are listed at the beginning of the Files Available Through this Product Code section, because if not, on the web if the DCD file is listed farther down the list with a license agreement, it will display as a View More link to your web user, as shown below. See Checkout Control for more information.

If a piece of digital content is set up for pre-order (i.e., the Available From date of the digital content is in the future), the copyright text will not display during the checkout process. The proper setup would be to set the copyright to display upon access.

13.  Click Edit Text to the right of the Copyright Text text box.
The HTML Editor Dialog window opens. Enter your copyright information and click OK.

14.  From Display Prior To, check either the Purchase or Access checkbox.

If you do not wish to enable the Copyright Text, you do not need to select either checkbox.

a.    When the Purchase checkbox is checked, this text displays on the Checkout control on the web, as shown below. See Checkout Control for more information.

If a piece of digital content is set up for pre-order (i.e., the Available From date of the digital content is in the future), the copyright text will not display during the checkout process. The proper setup would be to set the copyright to display upon access.

b.    When the Access checkbox is checked, any copyright information you add to the product will display when the user views the content from the Digital Content Access control on the web, as shown below.

15.  From the Access Settings section, select either the Download or View checkbox.

a.    If the Download checkbox is checked, the Limit Access checkbox becomes editable.

b.    If the View checkbox is checked, the Allow Print During View, Display Watermark During View, Watermark Text, and Limit Access checkboxes become editable.

16.  If you want to limit the amount of times a customer can download this file, check the Limit Access checkbox and perform the following:

a.    Enter the Max Number of Downloads.

b.    In the From Invoice Date, Access Allowed for text box, enter a number for the time you want the product to be available for download and/or view after being invoiced and select "Day" or "Month" from the drop-down.

17.  Click Save.

18.  View the file that you have uploaded by clicking the Preview link.

Screen Element


Files Available Through this Product Code

Add Content

Button. When clicked, a new row is added to the grid and the Digital Content Details fields become active.

Delete Content

Button. When clicked, the highlighted row is removed from the grid and any information in the Digital Content Details fields is lost.

Digital Content Details


Drop-down. A required drop-down that allows you to select whether the digital content is a file to be uploaded to Personify360 or is a URL to be referenced by Personify360. This field defaults to File.


As of 7.6.1, you now have the ability to define a URL as the source of your digital content. This allows you to be able to define digital content that is not managed via Personify360 for a DCD product, meaning you can define digital content that is hosted and managed by a content distribution network (CDN) or digital content that is hosted and managed on a web server.


When you select URL as your source, the Upload File link will be disabled. You can define the File Name as a URL up to 250 characters. For a source of URL,  the Type should be set to 'OTHER' and the URL text should be entered in the File Name field.

Defining digital content with a source of URL indicates that the management of the content is no longer handled or restrained by Personify360. Personify360 is only acting as a conduit for the content by providing a means to charge for and subsequently distribute the content.

When using a source of File and uploading the file into Personify360, the file is stored in a folder named as the PRODUCT_ID in the path specified for the DCDFiles upload root in the T_##_AppInstance.ServerConfig column of the Personify Installation Database


Text box. A non-required text field that allows you to define the size of the digital content regardless of the unit of measurement. If a value is entered within this field, it will display under the "Files" section on the ECD/DCD product detail page, as shown below.


Drop-down. A required drop-down that allows you to define the file type via the CONTENT_TYPE type code of the digital content.

File Name

Text box. The name of the file being uploaded. If URL is selected for your source, you can define the File Name as a URL up to 250 characters.

Upload File

Link. When clicked, the Open window displays and you can find the file on your system that you want to upload. This link will only be enabled if the Source is defined as File.


Text box. Allows you to create a friendly name for the file being uploaded. As of 7.5.0, if this product has been defined to display on the web, this document title will display in the "Files" section on the ECD/DCD product detail page, as shown below.


Link. Allows you to preview the content you are creating when the Source is defined as File. You can only preview the product after uploading the file and creating a Document Title.


Text box. Displays the description you created for the file. As of 7.5.0, if this product has been defined to display on the web, this description will display in the "Files" section on the ECD/DCD product detail page when the user clicks the "More Information" link, as shown below.

Available From

Calendar Drop-down. The date from which this file is available to purchase. This field defaults to the system date.

Available To

Calendar Drop-down. The date this file is no longer available for purchase. If a value is selected for this field, it will display for the product within the Product Detail control.

Digital Rights Management

Copyright Acknowledgement

Edit Text

Button. When clicked the HTML Editor Dialog window displays and allows you to enter either the product’s description or copyright information.

Copyright Text

Text box. A non-required text field that allows you to add copyright information for the digital content.

Display Prior To

Allows you to select when the copyright information is displayed and must be acknowledged. The two options are prior to Purchase from the Checkout control on the web or prior to Access from the Digital Content Access web control.


Checkbox. When checked, any copyright information you add to the product will display on the Checkout control on the Web, as shown below. See Checkout Control for more information.

If a piece of digital content is set up for pre-order (i.e., the Available From date of the digital content is in the future), the copyright text will not display during the checkout process. The proper setup would be to set the copyright to display upon access.


Checkbox. When checked, any copyright information you add to the product will display when the user views the content from the Digital Content Access control on the web, as shown below.

Access Settings

Access Method

Allows you to select the method of access from the Digital Content Access web control for the digital content. The two options are Download and View. Both options can be selected for one digital content file.

If neither option is selected, the content will not be accessible from the web.


Checkbox. If checked, you will be able to download the digital content from the Digital Content Access control on the web, and the Product Detail control will show that downloading is allowed, as shown below. This field defaults to checked.


Checkbox. If checked, you will be able to view the digital content from the Digital Content Access control on the web if it is in the format of ePUB, PDF, MP3, or MP4. Clicking the title link within the Digital Content Access control will open the content within the correct viewer for the file type.

Allow Print During View

Checkbox. Allows you to enable or disable printing of digital content with a file format of PDF  from the respective content viewer web control. This checkbox is only editable if the View checkbox is checked for the Access Method.

Printing is only available for digital content with a file format of PDF.

Display Watermark During View

Checkbox. Allows you to enable or disable a watermark that is presented over digital content from the Content Viewer web control. By default, the watermark contains the constituent's Label Name and Customer ID. The default watermark can be modified through the CSS skin. This would require a customization by the client. This checkbox is only editable if the View checkbox is checked for the Access Method.

For the Video Viewer control, the watermark will not display on iOS devices, such as the iPhone and iPad, as the operating system video player takes the control of the content away from the browser.

The watermark is at the control level, meaning it will not display on downloaded content.

Watermark Text

Text box. A non-required text field that allows you to define additional watermark text to display along with the constituent's Label Name and Customer ID. This field is only enabled when the View checkbox is checked for Access Method. This setting is not applicable for audio digital content.

Limit Access

Checkbox. When checked, a customer can only download the DCD product a specified amount of times and/or within a specified time limit. Access to digital content can be restricted in two ways. The first is to restrict the maximum number of downloads for the digital content. The second is to restrict the window from the invoice date in which the constituent can download and view the digital content.

Max Number of Downloads

Text box. Allows you to set the number of times the DCD product can be downloaded by a customer. As of 7.5.0, if this product has been defined to display on the web, this number will display on the ECD/DCD product detail page, as shown below. If this value is null, "Unlimited Downloads" will display.

This field will only be editable if the Download checkbox is checked for Access Method and the Limit Access checkbox is checked.

The "Max Downloads" number is only displayed at the ECD/DCD product level, not at each individual file level. It is assumed that an organization has the same setup for all files included in an ECD product.

From Invoice Date, Access Allowed for

Text box. Displays the number of days or months after the invoice date that thedigital content can be accessed.

This field will only be editable if the Limit Access checkbox is checked.

Drop-down. Allows you to choose whether the amount entered in the “From Invoice Date, Download Allowed For” text box is for Days or Months. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the fixed codes defined for the DCD "TIME_TO_DOWNLOAD_UNIT" system type.

This field will only be editable if the Limit Access checkbox is checked.

Once a value has been selected for the field, the Access allowed for will populate for the product on the Product Detail page.