Committees Control Overview

As of 7.6.0, this control has been visually redesigned for optimal performance for mobile users.

The Committees control allows constituents to view their current, past, and future committee participation. To display all three time frames on a page, the control will have to be added three times. See Configuring the Web Settings for the Committees Control for more information on how to drop this control onto a page on your e-Business website.


All data displayed in this control is based off the constituent's committee information defined in the back office. For more information, please see Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Committees Profile Control.

Customer Impact

After configuring the Committees control, your web users will see the control similar to the one displayed below.


As of 7.5.1, group management was expanded to include committee management. If a committee manager has permission to edit a roster member's contact information, on the Committees control, if the committee manager clicks Edit, he/she is redirected to the Committee Term Details page. Here, the committee manager can edit/add the committee member's position, sub position, participation status, voting status, who he/she represents, and begin/end dates.

If you try to edit the end date to "null", the date is NOT updated and the original end date still displays.