Committee Term Details Control Overview

After the committee manager adds a new individual to his/her committee, he/she is redirected from the Add New Individual page to the Committee Term Details page. This page contains the Header control and Committee Term Details control. This control allows the committee manager to add the new committee member's position, sub position, participation status, voting status, who he/she represents, and begin/end dates. For an overview on how a group manger adds a new committee member, refer to Adding a New Committee Member to a Roster.  


Before configuring the Committee Term Details control, it is important that your back office configurations are accurate. If not, the data you expect to see may not display on your e-Business website. See Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Committee Term Details Control for more information.


See Configuring the Web Settings for the Committees Term Details Control for more information on how to drop this control onto a page on your e-Business website.

The Committee Term Details control is only used for the Committee Management workflow.

Customer Impact

After setting up the Committee Term Details control, your committee manager will see it display similar to what is shown below.  The drop-downs (i.e., sub position, position, voting status, etc.) are populated based on the values you define in the back office for the non-fixed COM system types and codes. See Committee on the Web for more information.  In addition, when you add a new committee member, in the back office, a new record is created in the Committee Participation table showing that the committee member was added to the committee.  

If a committee manager adds an individual to the committee that is outside the enforced structure (e.g., tries to add another chairman to the committee, but only one chairman is allowed in the structure), the system will validate the enforced structure once the committee manager selects "Save" and he/she will be issued a warning message. See Defining Committee Structures for more information.

If you try to edit the end date to "null", the date is NOT updated and the original end date still displays.