Configuring the Web Settings for the Buy for Group Control

The section below details how to set up the Buy for Group control on your website and these instructions apply for all three workflows (i.e., Corporate and Staff Management, Committee Management, and Chapter Management). The instructions are intended for a user with web admin/host privileges. In addition, this is NOT a standalone control, which means that in order for it to function, it needs to be incorporated into the Group Management workflow on the web.  For more information, refer to the Standalone .NET Web Controls section.


Before configuring this control, make sure that you set up segments for a company, chapter (subgroup), or committee, and then assign a user to be a manger of it in the back office. If the back office settings are NOT properly configured, a group manager will be unable to use the Group Management controls. See Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Group Management Controls for more information.

In addition, in order for a product to be eligible for a group manager to purchase for his/her group, the Allow Group Purchase checkbox must be checked in the back office. See Setting up a Product for a Group Purchase for more information.

Additional Steps

In order for the Buy for Group functionality to display on the Product Detail and Meeting Detail pages:

1.    Create a page and drop the Buy for Group control onto it.
This is called the Buy for Group page.

2.    On the page where you dropped the Product Detail control, you need to set the Buy for Group to Cart Page URL parameter to the Buy for Group page's URL.
This allows a group manager to be able to purchase a product for his/her group. See Product Detail Page for more information.

3.    On the page that you dropped the Meetings Detail control, you need to set the Meeting Registration for Group URL parameter to the Buy for Group's pages URL.
This allows a group manager to be able to purchase a meeting product for his/her group. See Meeting Detail Page for more information.

You only need to drop the Buy for Group control onto one page and set the Buy for Group to Cart Page URL parameter for the Product Detail page and set the Meeting Registration for Group URL parameter for the Meeting Detail page to the Buy for Group page's URL. In addition, if you are configuring multiple workflows, you only need to create one Buy for Group page since the functionality for Corporate and Staff Management and Committee Management has been bundled into the Buy for Group control.

Control Settings

To configure the web settings for the Buy for Group control:

1.    Add the "AFMBuyForGroupControl" to the desired page. For more information, please see Adding a Page on Your Site Using DNN.
The Control Settings for this control display, as shown below.

Text fields have a 250 character limit.

2.    Optional: in the Additional CSS Class for Control field, enter the CSS class.

3.    From the Cancel Page URL line, click edit.
The Select/Edit Personify Web Parameter screen displays.

a.    Click the select link next to the appropriate PWF parameter. You should set this field to the appropriate PWF parameter value (e.g., Store) that will take web users to the Online Store's page URL when he/she clicks the Cancel button.
See Setting Up your PWF Parameters to learn more about these parameters and why your website's redirect URLs are managed there.

4.    In the Change Current Group Registrants Warning Text field, enter a message.
This message displays when the group manager is registering his/her group members for a meeting.

5.    In the Change Current Group Warning Text field, enter a message.
This message is displayed to the group manager when he/she is buying any product except for meeting products.

6.    In the Choose Recipients Note Text field, enter a message.
This message is displayed to the group manager when he/she is buying any product except for meeting products.

7.    In the Choose Registrants Note Text field, enter a message.
This message is displayed when the group manager is registering his/her group members for a meeting.

8.    Optional: select or create a new Error Message.

9.    From the Membership Join URL line, click edit.
The Select/Edit Personify Web Parameter screen displays.

a.    Click select next to the appropriate PWF parameter. You should set this parameter to the appropriate PWF parameter value (e.g., MemberJoinListing) that will take the user to the Membership Join page's URL when he/she clicks a membership product. If left blank, this field defaults to the Product Detail page's URL.
See Setting Up your PWF Parameters to learn more about these parameters and why your website's redirect URLs are managed there.

10.  In the My Groups Meeting Note Text field, enter a message.
This message is displayed when the group manager is registering his/her group members for a meeting.

11.  In the My Groups Note Text field, enter a message.
This message is displayed to the group manager when he/she is buying any product except for meeting products.  

12.  From the Product Meetings URL line, click edit.
The Select/Edit Personify Web Parameter screen displays.

a.    Click select next to the appropriate PWF parameter. You should set this parameter to the appropriate PWF parameter value (e.g., Meetings) that will take the user to the Meetings page's URL when he/she clicks a meeting product. If left blank, this field defaults to the Product Detail page's URL.
See Setting Up your PWF Parameters to learn more about these parameters and why your website's redirect URLs are managed there.

13.  From the Product Page URL line, click edit.
The Select/Edit Personify Web Parameter screen displays.

a.    Click select next to the appropriate PWF parameter. You should set this field to the appropriate PWF parameter value (e.g., ProductDetails) that will take the user to the Product Details page's URL when he/she clicks on a product.
See Setting Up your PWF Parameters to learn more about these parameters and why your website's redirect URLs are managed there.

14.  In the Product ID URL Parameter text box, enter "productId".
This is the default name of the parameter to read the product’s ID, but if the environment's redirection logic uses a different Query String name set it here. See Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

15.  In the Registration Information Breakdown by Registrant Message field, enter a message.
This message displays on the Registration Information step for the group meeting registration workflow.

16.  In the Registration Information Note Message field, enter a message. This message is displayed when the group manager is registering his/her group members for a meeting.

17.  In the Select Customers Confirm Popup Empty List Note Message field, enter a message. This message is displayed to the group manager when he/she is buying any product except for meeting products.

18.  In the Select Customers Confirm Popup Header Message field, enter a message.
This text displays as the title in the confirmation window and should provide an overview of the window's purpose. For example, "Selected Recipients".

19.  In the Select Customers Confirm Popup List Note Message field, enter a message.
This message allows the group manager to confirm the selected users. For example, "You have selected (3) individuals to register for this order".

20.  In the Customers Confirm Popup Meeting Empty List Note Message field, enter a message.
This message is displayed when the group manager is registering his/her group members for a meeting.

21.  In the Select Customers Confirm Popup Meeting Header Message field, enter a message.
This message allows the group manager to confirm the selected users for a meeting registration. For example, "Selected Registrants".

22.  In the Customers Confirm Popup Meeting List Note Message field, enter a message.
This message should inform the group manager of how many individuals from the group that he/she registered for the meeting. For example, "You have selected (4) individuals to register for this event."

23.  In the Shipping and Tax Notes field, enter a message.
This message informs the group manager that taxes, shipping, and discounts are applied on Step 3 of the checkout process and the current subtotal does not have these applied. For example, "Taxes, shipping, and discounts are applied at checkout and are not included in the above total".

24.  From the Shopping Cart URL line, click edit.
The Select/Edit Personify Web Parameter screen displays.

a.    Click select next to the appropriate PWF parameter. You should set this field to the PWF parameter value (e.g., ShoppingCart) that will take the user to the Shopping Cart page's URL when he/she clicks on the Go to Cart and Checkout button.
See Setting Up your PWF Parameters to learn more about these parameters and why your website's redirect URLs are managed there.

25.  Click Save.

Control Setting


Additional CSS Class for Control

If necessary, enter the CSS class. This option allows you to add additional layout to the skin by developing a new DOTNETNUKE style, which requires an advanced understanding of HTML and CSS. See Applying a Default Site Container for information.

Cancel Page URL

You should set this field to the appropriate PWF parameter value (e.g., Store) that will take web users to the Online Store's page URL when he/she clicks the Cancel button. See Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

Change Current Group Registrants Warning Text

Enter a message that is displayed to the group manager when he/she is registering his/her group members for a meeting.
This message should warn the user that if he/she is a manger for multiple groups, he/she is only able to work with users from one group at a time. For example, "You can only work with individuals from one group at a time. Switching to another group will delete your previous selections from the first group", as shown below.

Change Current Group Warning Text

Enter a message that is displayed to the group manager when he/she is buying any product except for meeting products.  
This message should warn the user that if he/she is a manger for multiple groups, he/she is only able to work with users from one group at a time, as shown below. For example, "You can only work with individuals from one group at a time. Switching to another group will delete your previous selections from the first group", as shown below.

Choose Recipients Note Text

Enter a message that is displayed to the group manager when he/she is buying any product except for meeting products.  
This message should instruct the group manager to select the individuals from his/her group that he/she wishes to purchase the product for from the list below. For example, "Choose recipients for the product from the list below", as shown below.

Choose Registrants Note Text

Enter a message that is displayed when the group manager is registering his/her group members for a meeting.
This message should instruct the group manager to select the individuals from his/her group that he/she wishes to register for the meeting from the list below. For example, "As a manager, you can register your employees for this event. Personal choices can be made by each individual later, from their profile", as shown below.

Error Message

If necessary, enter a message. The error message will display on the control for the action that was being performed at the time of the error. If left blank, the default error message, "An error occurred while performing [Insert Action]. If the problem persists, please contact the site administrator", will display. [Insert Action] will be substituted with the action the control was performing at the time of the error. If you wish to change the default error message, customize it with a PWF Parameter. See Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

Membership Join URL

You should set this field to the appropriate PWF parameter value (e.g., MemberJoinListing) that will take the user to the Membership Join page's URL when he/she clicks a membership product. If left blank, this field defaults to the Product Detail page's URL. See Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

My Groups Meeting Note Text

Enter a message that is displayed when the group manager is registering his/her group members for a meeting.
This message should instruct a group manager to select which group he/she would like to work with from the My Groups drop-down. If the group manager has only one group that he/she manages, this will be the only option from the drop-down. For example, "Select the group and individuals for this registration. You can only register from one group per registration", as shown below.

My Groups Note Text

Enter a message that is displayed to the group manager when he/she is buying any product except for meeting products.  
This message should instruct a group manager to select which group he/she would like to work with from the My Groups drop-down. For example, "Select the group and individuals for this order. If the group manager has only one group that he/she manages, this will be the only option from the drop-down. You can only register from one group per order", as shown below.

You can only buy product(s) for individuals from one group at a time. If you want to purchase products for multiple groups, you will have to repeat the Group Purchase workflow for each group.

Product Meetings URL

You should set this field to the appropriate PWF parameter value (e.g., Meetings) that will take the user to the Meetings page's URL when he/she clicks a meeting product. If left blank, this field defaults to the Product Detail page's URL. See Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

Product Page URL

You should set this field to the appropriate PWF parameter value (e.g., ProductDetails) that will take the user to the Product Details page's URL when he/she clicks on a product. See Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

Registration Information Breakdown by Registrant Message

Enter a message that displays on the Registration Information step for the group meeting registration workflow. This message should inform the group manager that the cost if the meeting is based off the group member's membership status. For example, "Below shows the cost for each registrant based on member status", as shown below.

Product ID URL Parameter

Enter "productId". This is the default name of the parameter to read the product’s ID, but if the environment's redirection logic uses a different Query String name set it here. See Setting up PWF Parameters for more information.

Registration Information Note Message

Enter a message that is displayed when the group manager is registering his/her group members for a meeting.
This message should inform the group manager that he/she is registering all individuals as a group for a meeting. Therefore, individual options are not available such as, selecting sessions, creating badges, etc. After the group manager registers the group for a meeting, the individual group member must log into your site and select his/her individual options. For example, "For group registration, those selected are registered as a group and not one at a time, so the selection of options for each person is not available", as shown below.

Select Customers Confirm Popup Empty List Note Message

Enter a message that is displayed to the group manager when he/she is buying any product except for meeting products.  
This message should inform the group manager that he/she did not select any individuals from his/her group before trying to proceed to the next step. For example, "Please select at least one employee to proceed", as shown below.

Users click Cancel to return to the Select Recipients page.

Select Customers Confirm Popup Header Message

Enter a title. This text displays as the title in the confirmation window and should provide an overview of the window's purpose. For example, "Selected Recipients", as shown below.

Select Customers Confirm Popup List Note Message

Enter a message.
This message allows the group manager to confirm the selected users. For example, "You have selected (3) individuals to register for this order", as shown below.

If you want the numeric value to reflect the number of group members selected, you must enter "{0}" in the Select Customers Confirm Popup List Note Message field. If not, this value will not reflect the number of group members selected for a product.

Customers Confirm Popup Meeting Empty List Note Message

Enter a message that is displayed to the group manager when he/she is registering his/her group members for a meeting.
This message should inform the group manager that he/she did not select any individuals from his/her group before trying to proceed to the next step. For example, "You haven't selected any individuals to register for this event", as shown below.

Select Customers Confirm Popup Meeting Header Message

Enter a title.
This message allows the group manager to confirm the selected users for a meeting registration. For example, "Selected Registrants", as shown below.

Customers Confirm Popup Meeting List Note Message

Enter a message.
This message should inform the group manager of how many individuals from the group that he/she registered for the meeting, as shown below. For example, "You have selected (4) individuals to register for this event."

If you want the numeric value to reflect the number of group members selected, you must enter "{0}" in the Select Customers Confirm Popup List Note Message field. If not, this value will not reflect the number of group members selected for a product.

Shipping and Tax Notes

Enter a message. This message informs the group manager that taxes, shipping, and discounts are applied on Step 3 of the checkout process and the current subtotal does not have these applied. For example, "Taxes, shipping, and discounts are applied at checkout and are not included in the above total", as highlighted below.

Shopping Cart URL

You should set this field to the PWF parameter value (e.g., ShoppingCart) that will take the user to the Shopping Cart page's URL when he/she clicks on the Go to Cart and Checkout button.  See Configuring the Checkout Controls for more information.

See Also:

·            If you want an overview of how a group manager can purchase a product, membership, or meeting for a group, see Sample Workflows for Purchasing Products for a Group Online.

·            For some frequently asked questions about the Buy for Group control, see Frequently Asked Questions.

·            For an overview on the Buy for Group control, refer to Overview: Buy for Group Control.