Delayed Credit Card Collection

When a constituent places a pre-order for digital content, they do not expect their credit card to be charged until the digital content is available for their consumption.


As of 7.6.1, new DCD enhancements have been made, including the ability to delay the collection of a credit card receipt for a DCD product order line if the digital content is not available at the time of purchase.


When a constituent orders a DCD product that has digital content defined as not yet available and pays for the DCD product order line with a credit card, then a Deferred Payment (Type 9) transaction is created.


When a constituent orders a DCD product that has digital content defined as not yet available and pays for the DCD product order line with cash or check, then a Receipt (Type 1) transaction referencing the PPL account is created.

Order Line Fulfill Status

As of 7.6.1, you now have the ability to delay the invoicing of a DCD product order line if the digital content is not available at the time purchase.


A new fulfill status code of N with the description of "Not Fulfilled" has been added. When a constituent orders a DCD product that has digital content defined as not yet available, when the Line Status is set to "Active" for the product order line the Fulfill Status will be set to "Not Fulfilled" and the product order line will not be invoiced. In this scenario, you will not have the ability to manually change the Fulfill Status to "Active".


The Fulfill Status will change from "Not Fulfilled" to "Active" and the product will be invoiced when the digital content is added to the product order line via the Digital Content Delivery Files (ORD001_DCD_Files) screen.


Once the product has been invoiced, if the digital content is deleted from the product order line the Fulfill Status will remain "Active" and the product order line will remain invoiced.


When running CCP610, the process will include records depending on their Fulfill Status.

1.    Not Fulfilled – If the DCD product order line has a Fulfill Status of "Not Fulfilled", when the CCP610 process is run to settle credit card receipts including deferred payments, the Deferred Payment (Type 9) transaction will NOT be selected and processed.

2.    Active

a.    If the DCD product order line has a Fulfill Status of "Active", when the CCP610 process is run to settle credit card receipts including deferred payments, the Deferred Payment (Type 9) transaction is selected and processed.

b.    If the DCD products order line has a Fulfill Status of "Active", when the CCP610 process is run to settle credit card receipts, the Receipt (Type 1) transaction is selected and processed.

Process to Fulfill Orders for the Pre-Order Purchasing of Digital Content

As of 7.6.1, a new TRS process has been introduced to update DCD product orders that were previously created for pre-order purchasing of then unavailable digital content. This process, ECD620, adds the now available digital content to the order line, as well as updates the Fulfill Status to Active and, therefore, invoices the order lines. For more information, please see ECD620 - Digital Content Delivery Fulfillment.

Notification of Available Digital Content

As of 7.6.1, the ability to automatically notify customers when digital content they have purchased becomes available has been added. For more information, please see Notify Digital Content Available.