Notify Digital Content Available

As of 7.6.1, the ability to automatically notify customers when digital content they have purchased becomes available has been added. When a DCD product order line becomes invoiced, either through payment or through running the ECD620 process, a notification is triggered. Given that the digital content has an Available From date of today or a day prior, a record exists for the DCD product order line, and the DCD product order line has been invoiced and has a line status of Active, the Notify Digital Content Available notification will run and the constituent will receive an email containing the order number, product name, and digital content title of the digital content that is available. Constituents will then be able to log into their accounts and access the digital content through the Digital Content Access control on the web.



Trigger on Table


Business Change Options

If the organization wishes to only send the notification for pre-order fulfillments and not all order fulfillments, the trigger can be modified to also check if the ORDER_DETAIL.ORDER_DATE is not equal to the ORDER_DETAIL.INVOICE_DATE.

Sample Message Template



The digital content that you have ordered is now available for access.


Order No                      Product Name             Digital Content Title



To access this content, please log into your account online and access the Digital Content Access section of My Account.

If you have any questions, please email