Marking a Constituent's Address as "BAD" in CRM360®

Instead of deleting an address, it is recommended that you mark the address as "BAD". Address records can only be deleted if they are not referenced in any orders.

To make a change to an address that is linked to another constituent, you must open the constituent who own the address record. To change a linked address to a different constituent’s address or to unlink the address, the current address will need to be marked as BAD and a new address created.

Shipping fees, tax, and zip-linked chapter products are calculated based on the constituent's address. If the address changes and the order line has not been invoiced, if the order line contains shipping fees, taxes, or a zip-linked chapter product, these may need to be recalculated. If a user simply edits their existing address, no change happens to any order lines (i.e., the Ship-To Address ID stays the same on the order line). Because no change is made to the order line, the system does not know to recalculate shipping fees, tax, or zip-linked chapter product. Because of this, as of 7.4.2, logic has been implemented to prevent a user from editing an address if the Address ID of that address is being used as a ship-to address on any uninvoiced order line. Instead, users must mark the address they want to change as "Bad" and create a new address. Assuming the address is the constituent's primary address, the new address ID will propagate to open orders. The system will NOT allow you to edit an address if that address is the ship-to address on any proforma non-INV order line or on any unshipped INV order line.

As of 7.4.2, regarding the new householding functionality, when an address is marked as bad and a new address is created, the system will create new address records for household members with the same priority sequence and values for bill-flag, ship-flag. If the address that is marked as bad is the primary address and a new address is created, the system will automatically propagate the address change for household members if the PRIMARY_ADDR_PROPOGATION application parameter is set to AUTO or SELECT.

To mark a constituent's address as "BAD" in CRM360:

1.    From the Background Information task category in CRM360, click Contact Information.
Additionally, from the CRM360 header, you can click the Edit Contact Info link.
The Contact Information screen displays below the header in CRM360.

2.    From the Address section, click the Edit link next to the address in which you want to mark as "BAD".
The Add Edit Address screen displays.

3.    From the Address Status drop-down, select "Bad".

4.    Click Save & Close.
The address is marked as "BAD" and will no longer display in the Address section. To view bad address, select Include Bad Address from the Address section wrench icon drop-down.