Duplicate Customer Merge Setup

The merge of a constituent, whether from the batch merging processes or manually should merge based on the setups and the existing data constraints.


For addresses that exactly match on the duplicate and retained constituents:

·            If the CUS DUPADDRESSCHECK application parameter is set to "Y", an exact matching address from the duplicate constituent can always be deleted and the exact matching address id from the retained constituent can be assigned to any records.

·            If the CUS DUPADDRESSCHECK application parameter is set to "N", an exact matching address from the duplicate constituent will respect the CUS_ADDRESS and CUS_ADDRESS_DETAIL table merge settings.

o           If the CUS_ADDRESS and CUS_ADDRESS_DETAIL table merge settings are set to MERGE, the exact matching address from the duplicate constituent will be merged to the retained constituent.

o           If the CUS_ADDRESS and CUS_ADDRESS_DETAIL table merge settings are set to DELETE, the exact matching address from the duplicate constituent can always be deleted and the exact matching address id from the retained constituent can be assigned to any records.


For addresses that do not exactly match on the duplicate and retained constituents:

·            If the CUS_ADDRESS and CUS_ADDRESS_DETAIL table merge settings are set to MERGE, the non-matching address from the duplicate constituent will be merged to the retained constituent.

·            If the CUS_ADDRESS and CUS_ADDRESS_DETAIL table merge settings are set to DELETE, the non-matching address from the duplicate constituent will be deleted unless the CUS_ADDRESS_ID for the address exists in any of the following tables in which case it will be merged:

o           FAR_VOUCHER