BPA900 - Subscription Auditing

The BPA900 batch process executes logic to generate counts for each BPA paragraph. Customers then enter that information using the BPA NextGen application. 


This section includes detailed information about how counts are calculated as well as report examples of both reports and an example of how BPA formats the paragraph. 


The Paragraph topics in the section are as follows:

·            Paragraph 1: Average Qualified Circulation Breakout for Period

·            Paragraph 2: Qualified Circulation by Issues with Removals and Additions for Period

·            Paragraph 3:  Occupation, Source and Address Breakout

·            Paragraph 4: Geographical Breakout of Qualified Circulation for Issue

·            Paragraph 5 and 6: Total New and Renewed Qualified Paid Subscriptions Ordered/Sold for the Period

·            Paragraph 7: Five Calendar Year Analysis

·            Explanatory Paragraph: Additional Data






Organization Id to run report for. This is a read only parameter that default to ORG ID the end user is logged in for.


Organization Unit

Organization Unit Id to run report for. This is a read only parameter that default to ORG UNIT ID the end user is logged in for.



Enter the Publication for which the process would run.  Identifies the parent_product_code of the publication being audited.


Audited Issue Date

Identifies the issue_date to be included in report.


Statement Period

Stores the number of months prior to the Statement_Date parameter that should be considered for auditing. The default = 6. In case of an "Initial Audit", this can be 3 or 6.


Statement Date

The process would consider the 'Audited Period'. The 'Audited Period' would be data where Issue_Date between the Statement_Date - n-months and the Statement_Date, where n-months is defined by Statement Period. If the Statement Date ='03/31/2003', and the Statement Period = 6, the 'Audited Period' data would include data between '10/01/2002' and '03/31/2003'.


Primary Code

Controls which qualification type is used as the primary break. Valid values are INDUSTRY, JOB_TITLE, JOB_FUNCTION, SIC, COMPANY_SIZE.


Secondary Code

Controls which qualification type is used as the secondary break. Valid values are INDUSTRY, JOB_TITLE, JOB_FUNCTION, SIC, COMPANY_SIZE.


Technical Implementation

The BPA900 process first deletes records from the following tables:

·            BPA_PARAGRAPH_1_2

·            BPA_PARAGRAPH_3A

·            BPA_PARAGRAPH_3B

·            BPA_PARAGRAPH_3C

·            BPA_PARAGRAPH_4

·            BPA_PARAGRAPH_5

·            BPA_PARAGRAPH_8

·            BPA_PARAGRAPH_9

·            BPA_PARAGRAPH_10


·            BPA_ADD_DROP


·            SUB_AUDIT_NEW_RENEW


BPA900 then calls the following functions and stored procedures, passing the values selected for the BPA900 parameters:

·            BPA900_InsertSubAuditNewRenew_SP

·            BPA900_GetTotalIssues_FN function

·            BPA900_GetQualificationCode_FN function

·            BPA900_1_2_SP

o           udf_GetAddDropInfo function

·            BPA900_3A_SP

·            BPA900_3B_SP

·            BPA900_3C_SP

·            BPA900_4_SP

·            BPA900_5_SP

·            BPA900_8_SP


The logic executed for each paragraph is detailed in the following sections.