Adding Volunteer Background and Qualification Activities

This screen is used to view and maintain qualification activities associated with the volunteer. Some of the qualification activities are minimum requirements to be approved as a volunteer and others are advanced requirements that qualify the volunteer for a higher level. Maintaining these qualification activities will make querying for qualified volunteers easier. From the Qualification Activity screen, enter the appropriate filter information and click Search to display the qualification activities associated with the volunteer.

To add background & qualification activities:

1.    On the Volunteer Central screen, click Capture Volunteer Skills, Interests, Qualifications or Create Customer as Volunteers.
The Volunteer Management search screen displays.

2.    Search for and select the appropriate volunteer.
Please note that if the customer you select is not already a volunteer, you will be prompt to mark them as a volunteer.

3.    From the Volunteer Information task category, click Background & Qualifications.
The Qualification Activity screen displays, as shown below.

4.    Click Add.

5.    Select one of the following Qualification Types from the drop-down:

·            Prerequisite – requirements that must be met before the customer is approved as a volunteer.

·            Maintenance – requirements that must be met periodically by volunteers who have already been approved as volunteers.

·            Training – any training that the volunteer attends.

·            Certification – if the Certification subsystem is not being used, this is another method to record certifications earned by volunteers.

Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the VOL "QUALIFICATION_TYPE" system type.

6.    Select the Activity Type from the drop-down.
The options differ depending on the qualification type selected.

7.    If necessary, select the Qualification Activity from the drop-down.
This activity further categorizes the volunteer’s qualification. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the VOL "QUALIFICATION_ACTIVITY" system type.

8.    If necessary, select the Sub-Activity from the drop-down.
This activity further categorizes the volunteer’s qualification. This code cannot be set until a Qualification Activity is selected. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed subcodes defined for the codes defined for the VOL "QUALIFICATION_ACTIVITY" system type.

9.    If necessary, enter the Activity Description.
This field can be modified, whether or not a Qualification Activity is selected.

10.  If necessary, select the Activity Date from the drop-down.

11.  If necessary, select the Qualification Level from the drop-down.
Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the VOL "QUALIFICATION_LEVEL" system type.

12.  Select the Qualification Status from the drop-down.
By default, ‘Pending’ is selected. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the VOL "QUALIFICATION_STATUS" system type.

13.  The Status Date is the read-only date that the qualification activity status was last updated.

14.  Select the Effective Date from the drop-down.

15.  If necessary, select the End Date from the drop-down.
When entered, this indicates the volunteer needs to be recertified.

16.  Click the Assigned To link to display the Generic Chooser and search for the staff member who is assigned to verify the volunteer’s qualifications

17.  If necessary, enter any Comments.

18.  Click Save.