Windows Services

·            Image Service
If your organization allows mobile users to upload customer profile images or you include product images on your product listing page, you should consider installing the Windows Service. This service creates a Customer Images folder and helps you to standardize the size of all uploaded images ensuring that all customer profile images displayed in the same size as well as all product images. This way, your mobile users can upload an image of any size and the application will not distort the image when it displays in the image space. For more information, please see Configuring the Personify360 Image Service.

·            SSO/IMS Service
An IMS Windows Service performs the core functionality of the IMS. By translating roles set up in the IMS into SQL script and executing them against the Personify database, IMS Windows Services populate the IMS with up-to-date role management information. For more information, please see Installing the IMS Windows Service.