Installing the IMS Windows Service

As of the 7.1 release, you can now have multiple Windows Service installations. If you are installing more than one web service, then you must update the config file with the name of the database connection, rename the files, and copy the files to different folders.

To set up the IMS Windows Service:

1.    Copy the SSO_IMS/Release folder to your installation folder.

2.    Set up the configuration file IMSWinservice.exe.config in the <ConnectStrings> section:

a.    SSO/IMS database connect string:

<add name="IMSconnstr" connectionString= "data source=<<SSO/IMS Database server name>> ;Database=<<SSO/IMS database name>>;User Id=<<User name to connect SSO/IMS database>>;Password=<<Password>>;Trusted_Connection=False" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

b.    Personify database connect string:

<add name="Timssconnstr" connectionString="Data Source=<<The TIMSS database server name>>; Persist Security Info=True;Password=<<Password>>;User ID=<<User id to connect to TIMSS Database>>" providerName="System.Data.OracleClient"/>

3.    Set up the timeout parameters in the <AppSettings> section. The settings below show the default values. If the process time for the update type is not specified, it will default to the settings from the config file.

<add key="MaxProcessTime" value="30" />

a.    This parameter will set up the maximum thread value that the service can use to process jobs. With the settings below, the service will process three jobs simultaneously. This is the default setting.

<add key="MaxThread" value="3"/>

b.    This parameter will set up the minimum thread value that the service can use to process jobs. At a given time, at the minimum, one job will be processed.

<add key="MinThread" value="1"/>

c.    This parameter defines how many concurrent jobs should be processed.

<add key="ConurrencyLimit" value="3"/>

d.    Indicate the Personify version.

<!--seconds -->

<add key="TIMSSVersion" value="7"/>

4.    The following are the update types for IMS.

·            E – Indicates the daily jobs.

·            I – Indicates the inclusion of the records.

·            X – Indicates the exclusion of the records.

These types will be included in the .config file as a part of the default web.config file. These parameters are not required to change during the installation.

<add key="ExclusionUpdateType" value ="X"></add>

a.    Every update type has stored procedures that will be executed. These stored procedures are part of the database installation. The stored procedure includes the business rules for the update type. The rules will be used when the SQL script for the role is executed.

<add key="E_StoreProcedure" value="IMSRoleDaily"></add>

<add key="I_StoreProcedure" value="IMSRoleInclusion"></add>

<add key="X_StoreProcedure" value="IMSRoleExclusion"></add>

b.    Specify the time limit to process for daily jobs. The Windows service will expect to finish the job in specified hours/minutes. If not specified, the max process time will be used.

<add key="E_TimeLimit" value="115"></add>

c.    Specify the time limit to process for inclusion jobs. The Windows service will be expected to finish the job in specified hours/minutes.

<add key="I_TimeLimit" value="115"></add>

d.    Specify the time limit to process for exclusion jobs. The Windows service will be expected to finish the job in specified hours/minutes.

<add key="X_TimeLimit" value="115"></add>

5.    Run the _install script.

6.    After completing the installation, verify the Window service has been created in the services section using the administrative tools for Windows. The service will be created by the name “TIMSScheduleProcessor.” By default, the startup type will be “Manual.” The administrator can optionally change the startup type to “Automatic.”