Defining Security Groups

A security group is a set of records that says who can perform what tasks within an application. Once the security group is established, members, permissions, and access points can be added to the security group.

At least one organization and organization unit must be defined before you can begin.

Base security groups that start with an underscore (e.g., _ACCT_MGR (_Accounting Manager)) provide access across the subsystem. Base security groups that begin with the subsystem acronym (e.g., FAR_FULL (FARAccounting - Full Control)) provide access to the level identified.

To define security groups:

1.    From the Security Central screen, click Define Security Group.

2.    Click Add Security Group.
The Security Group Maintenance screen displays, as shown below.

3.    Enter a unique Group ID and Group Name.

4.    Enter the Group Description.

5.    Select the appropriate Organization ID.

6.    Select the appropriate Organization Unit ID.

7.    In the Security Group Options section, check the appropriate checkboxes:

·            Is Active?

·            Can Use Debug Tools?

·            Can Use Visual Style Designer?

·            Can Use Web Designer?

·            Can Publish Screens?

·            Can Use Database Designer?

·            Can Use Application Designer?

·            Can Use Unified Search?

·            Can Use Web Services Designer?

·            Can Publish Web Services?

To comply with PA-DSS, any user who can use debug tools is considered an “Administrator”. If you do not want a specific security group to have administrator privileges, make sure to uncheck the “Can Use Debug Tools?” checkbox. If this box is checked, the security group defaults any user within that group to administrator privileges.

8.    Click Save.

You must save now before proceeding to the next step.

9.    On the Assigned Members tab, you will see a list of users within the organization unit. To assign users to the security group, perform the following:

a.    Access the Assigned Members tab, as shown below.

b.    Double-click the users who should be made members of the security group.
The red X changes to a green checkmark.

c.    If you want to assign ALL users to this security group, click the Select All link.
Similarly, click the Unselect All link to remove all users from the security group.

10.  From the Assigned Applications tab, you can view a list of batch processes, online reports, XML-based screens, or web pages, and define the appropriate permissions.

a.    To assign access to batch reports, perform the following:

i.      From the Assigned Applications tab, select "Batch Process" from the Application Type drop-down.

ii.     Select the Assigned, Unassigned, or All radio buttons to filter the display of batch processes based on whether or not they have been assigned to the security group, as shown below.

iii.   Check the View checkbox next to the batch process that you want to allow the security group to view any report outputs that have been run for the specified batch report.

iv.    Check the Run checkbox next to the batch process that you want to allow the security group to open the actual TRS process to customize parameters and run the report.

Checking both fields is required for full security access to the specified batch process.

v.     Click Default All Screens to Full Access to automatically give the security group full access (all permission checkboxes are checked) to all batch processes.

vi.    Click Default All Screens to Read-Only Access to automatically give the security group read-only access (only the “View” checkbox is checked) to all batch processes.

vii.  Click Remove All Access to remove all checked checkboxes.

b.    To assign access to online reports, perform the following:

i.      From the Assigned Applications tab, select "Online Report" from the Application Type drop-down.

ii.     Select the Assigned, Unassigned, or All radio buttons to filter the display of online reports based on whether or not they have been assigned to the security group, as shown below.

iii.   Check the View checkbox next to the online report that you want to allow the security group to view.

iv.    Click Default All Screens to Full Access to automatically give the security group full access (all permission checkboxes are checked) to all online reports.

v.     Click Default All Screens to Read-Only Access to automatically give the security group read-only access (only the “View” checkbox is checked) to all online reports.

vi.    Click Remove All Access to remove all checked checkboxes.

c.    To assign access to XML based screens, perform the following:

i.      From the Assigned Applications tab, select "XML Based Screen" from the Application Type drop-down.

ii.     Select the Assigned, Unassigned, or All radio buttons to filter the display of XML screens based on whether or not they have been assigned to the security group, as shown below.

iii.   Check the View checkbox next to the screen that you want to allow the security group to view.

iv.    Check the Insert checkbox next to the screen that you want to allow the security group to add data.

v.     Check the Update checkbox next to the screen that you want to allow the security group to change data.

vi.    Check the Delete checkbox next to the screen that you want to allow the security group to delete data.

Users with Delete privileges have permission to delete records created by another user. Because this poses a security risk, especially in Contact Tracking and Batch Job Submission, Delete privileges should be assigned carefully.

vii.  Check the Customize checkbox next to the screen that you want to allow the security group to customize.

viii.  Click Default All Screens to Full Access to automatically give the security group full access (all permission checkboxes are checked) to all screens.

ix.   Click Default All Screens to Read-Only Access to automatically give the security group read-only access (only the “View” checkbox is checked) to all screens.

x.    Click Remove All Access to remove all checked checkboxes.

11.  On the Assigned Access Points tab (shown below), you will see a list of access points defined for the organization unit and the privileges that this group has for those access points.
For more information on access points, please see Defining Access Points.

a.    Double-click the access point you want to add to the security group.
The red X changes to a green checkmark.

b.    Click the Select All link to assign access to all access points.

c.    Click the Unselect All link to remove all assigned access points.

The access points with the “OLK” prefixes are associated with Outlook integration. If assigned, the security group is permitted to perform certain actions in Outlook.

12.  Click Save.

Screen Element


Group ID

Text box. A unique ID for the security group.

Group Name

Text box. The long name of the security group.

Group Description

Text box. The description of the security group.

Organization ID

Drop-down. The organization ID in which the security group will be available.

Organization Unit ID

Drop-down. The organization unit ID in which the security group will be available.

Security Group Options

Is Active?

Checkbox. When checked, indicates the security group is active. Only an active security group can be assigned.

Can Publish Screens?

Checkbox. When checked, indicates the security group can publish screens to the database.

Can Use Debug Tools?

Checkbox. When checked, indicates the security group can use the debug tools. The debug tools include the options available from the Debug menu on the menu bar.

If you check this checkbox and modify the Toolbars.xml file in the Config folder, then the members of the security group have permission to turn on or off the command line (the blank line below the toolbar where you can enter a screen name and access it directly).

Can Use Database Designer?

Checkbox. When checked, indicates the security group can use the Database Designer.

Can Use Visual Style Designer?

Checkbox. When checked, indicates the security group can use the Visual Style Designer.

Can Use Application Designer?

Checkbox. When checked, indicates the security group can use the Application Designer. The Application Designer is used to customize and create Personify360 screens.

Can Use Web Designer?

Checkbox. When checked, indicates the security group can use the Web Form Designer. The Web Form Designer is used to create and publish forms for your Personify360 e-Business or external ASP.NET applications.

The Web Form Designer and its related functionality were introduced in the 7.2.0 release.

Can Use Unified Search?

Checkbox. When checked, indicates the security group can use the Unified Search functionality first introduced in the 7.3.1 release.


Unified Search is a search box that appears in the top-left corner of the application that allows users to enter a free-text search across all customer and order entry records within the user’s Organization Unit.

Unified Search must also be set up by your administrator to work.