Database Designer

Personify recommends that only advanced users use the Database Designer.

The Database Designer lets you work with both base tables and user-defined tables. Using the Database Designer, you can add, remove, or edit these tables thereby extending the data structure to meet your needs. Database Designer allows you to create three types of tables:

·            One-to-one tables

·            One-to-many tables

·            Stand-alone tables


You can also create new database columns using the Database Designer for both user-defined and base tables. The Database Designer allows you to edit any user-defined columns. You can also remove any user-defined tables and columns. However, you cannot modify or delete the database.

You cannot extend base views using the Database Designer.

As of the 7.2.1 release, the system supports Unicode values for new user-defined columns and tables. You can enter Unicode values for the NCHAR and NVARCHAR data types. Using the Application Designer, you can create new forms that use the Unicode data stored in the database. The labels and descriptive text of the form can be persisted in the form’s XML definition in Unicode languages. Please see Application Designer for more information on creating new forms.

Unicode characters are not supported in base tables, forms, triggers, stored procedures, validation messages, BusinessObjects universes, or Webi reports.

You can generate user-generated layer API code that automatically identifies database columns defined as NCHAR or NVARCHAR and set the Unicode properties to “True” in the generated API code base.

Personify recommends you do not add Unicode-supported user-defined columns to the existing tables to minimize the impact on existing processes and functions.

Using Unicode, Notification Services can be set up in multi-byte languages using the Alternate Templates. You can send the notifications to members if Notification Services is set up for foreign languages.