Personify360 Hotkeys

Hotkeys are keyboard shortcuts that help you perform common tasks within Personify360. The hotkeys in Personify360 include:

·            Ctrl+S – Saves the record on the open screen.

·            Ctrl+F – Takes you to the Search screen with the results that are already available.

·            Ctrl+R – Takes you to the Search screen after clearing the results and the filters that were applied earlier.

·            F5 – Refreshes the open screen.

·            F9 – Opens Audit Info screen.

·            F10 – Highlights the menu bar so you can view the menu bar options using the keyboard. For example, press F10 and the File menu is highlighted. Press Enter to expand the File menu and scroll down using the arrow keys. Press Enter to select the appropriate option.

·            F1 – Accesses the online help page associated with the open screen.

·            Ctrl+F6 – Navigates between screens by opening the next screen to the right of the open screen.

·            Ctrl+F4 – Closes the active window.

·            Alt+F4 – Closes the application.

·            Ctrl+Tab – Navigates between screens by opening the desired screen, no matter the order in which they are opened. Hold the Ctrl key down to open a Windows pop-up and press the Tab key till the desired screen is highlighted.


Most screens have Alt hotkeys that are accessed by hitting Alt+<Underlined Letter>. Pressing these hotkeys performs the same function as clicking the related button. For example, pressing Alt+C (or clicking the Create Refund button) on the Customer Financial Analysis (FAR003) screen opens the Cancellation and Refunds screen. You know to press Alt+C because the “C” on the Create Refund button is underlined. If the underlined Alt hotkeys are not displayed, then press Alt while in the open screen.

See Also:

·            Overview: Personify360 at a Glance

·            Personas

·            Subsystems

·            Search-Based Screens

·            Required fields

·            Hyperlinks

·            Extensible Screens

·            Security